XIX - Movie

46 1 1

Saturday, 9:46 p.m.

hi sorry was
practicing :]

rude-ass kun
for 9 hours?

hah more actually,
around 12 hrs. w
breaks but yea

rude-ass kun

on d + side, i
3 new dances!

rude-ass kun
don't even know
what to say.

idk, how bout "wow
mitsuhara ur so

rude-ass kun
sure, in your dreams.

rude-ass kun
but ngl that sounds
very tiring.

yea, d exhaustion
is hitting me now

rude-ass kun
that's relatable tbh.
i'm never tired during
an intense practice, but
i feel it later on.

ye xactly. ok i'm
gonna sleep now,

rude-ass kun
k bye.
Seen, 9:59 p.m.

I don't know why, but I'm starting to feel really comfortable around her. Maybe it's because she told me she'd listen to me and give me advice. Maybe it's because she acts chill around me. Maybe it's because we're fucking neighbors, I don't know. I felt comfortable enough to tell her about my past, and it's barely been weeks since we met. I ponder this as I lie back in my bed and close my eyes.


Sunday, 10:02 a.m.

cola. wanna cum
finish dat movie we
started on fri?

rude-ass kun
k sure. do you have
milk or do i need to
get it from here?

oops, milk is over.
u shud get 1 4 urself

rude-ass kun
of course. why would
i get one for you?

ok jheez calm down 🙄
Seen, 10:05 a.m.

I scramble down the stairs. I comb through the shelves for my un-popped popcorn packet. I put it in the microwave for it to pop. Shortly, the doorbell rings, and Kageyama stands at the other side, with a box of milk. "'Sup," I greet, and he grunts in response. I grab the bowl of popcorn, and we walk up the stairs to my room.


"That was a good movie, man," I stretch and crack some bones in the process. "Hmm..." Kageyama says vaguely. "Don't tell me it was bad, that was clearly a really good one," I say. "Yeah, it was good. I've just had other, um, stuff on my mind," he replies. I wonder what it is... "I'm listening if you want me to?", and he nods. "Okay. I'll tell you."

word count : 400 words

𝐭𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 [𝐤.𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐨 x 𝐨𝐜]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz