I - Masumi

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"Five, six, seven, eight!", the powerful voice echoed through the dance floor. A girl danced alone on the floor, choreographing a routine. Sweat dripping from her forehead along the side of her face; she was too invested in the routine to wipe it off.

"Masumi! Lunch's ready!", she heard her mother call from the kitchen. "I'm coming!", she called back. She did a few stretches quickly to cool down, and dashed out of the dance floor. Glancing back at it one more time, she switched off the lights.


"You didn't cool off properly, did you?", her mother asked, her face void of emotion. Masumi rolled her eyes. "Of course I didn't, Mom! I'm hungry!", she protested. As she was about to grab a sushi with her bare hands, her mother slapped her hand. "Go shower. Now.", she ordered. "Okay, fine.", Masumi sighed, as she sulked to the bathroom.

Mitsuhara Masumi, people called her the tyrant of the dance floor.

Water soaked her short, hazel-brown hair. Her body stayed still, but her mind was running miles per hour. "And a-one, two, three and four," she mumbled, choreographing mental steps. She smiled in satisfaction, content with the routine she came up with. She wiped off the water droplets on her body and hair, dressed and turned up at the table.

"So...", her mother started. "New school tomorrow, huh?" Masumi hummed in response. "Why Karasuno high of all places?", her mother wondered. Masumi rolled her eyes, yet again. "Mom, I already told you! They need me! I'm going to get Karasuno to nationals.", she proclaimed, proudly.

Her mom's eyebrows furrowed. "Masumi, don't get cocky. You can't single-handedly get an entire team to nationals." Her daughter smirked. "Oh, but I can.", she said, munching on her food.

Mitsuhara Masumi, people called her the tyrant of the dance floor, but she is also said to be the reason her junior high dance team made it to nationals.

word count : 325 words

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