Haunting past

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Is there such a thing as a fresh start? Many people strive for, but few actually achieve a clean slate. Every decision we make in our lives has an impact on our future, no matter how big or small. It is unavoidable and problematic because, while something may appear to be a good idea at the time, it may come back to bite you later on. Some decisions you make can have far-reaching consequences that will haunt you for the rest of your life. Your past will always be with you, no matter how hard you try. Certain experiences will elicit emotional responses that will transport you back to your past, and you will be forced to relive those memories. Things shape you and frame who you are, but some choices can have a negative impact on your life. Do you ever feel like a bad experience or a terrible thing from your past is coming back to haunt you? As in, when you've forgotten or haven't thought about that terrible situation you were in and it suddenly comes back to you? Many of us have gone through this phase and unless you find a way to solve the problems and let them go, the past will always come back to haunt you.

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