Women in our society

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In today's world, what females are going through is extremely difficult. Yes, just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I can't acknowledge the problem. "We don't have to go through the same phase to understand each other's pain." They've been labeled as people-pleasers since birth, always concerned with what others think of them. There is a certain standard of beauty and etiquette that they must meet, which is ridiculous in the extreme, and of course, not all girls can meet the standard. It's frustrating because girls don't realize that these standards aren't needed for them to accept themselves. The saddest thing that a girl goes through is the one thing that any girl wishes she could do: go out alone, without pepper spray or a key in her hands, and not be afraid of anyone or anything. Many girls you will encounter in your life have been harassed or asked for nudes at least once, and they are powerless to stop it because most people victim-blame and complain, "What were you wearing?" "Did you scream?" "You're being dramatic" "Boys will be boys".... And other more biased excuses. In a world where you are advised to eat more if you are slim and told to starve if you are obese, where you are told that you look better without makeup if you wear it or told to cover up your face if you don't, where you are asked for "it" if you are dressed revealingly or told to take your clothes off if you are dressed modestly, where you can't trust your surroundings. No girl asked for this, it's totally a consuming fear.

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