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Since the dawn of humanity, people have had some worries. They have found various and unnatural things to be frightening. Actually, these concerns impact people from their childhood, because children can't tell the difference between what's genuine and what's not. As a result of this situation, people may develop fears known as phobias. 'Phobias do not exist for all fears. Fear of something like falling is not a phobia because there is a real threat and the individual has a need for survival. Only when fear becomes illogical does it develop into a phobia. Phobias, as previously said, are irrational worries. Describing phobias, including their causes and remedies, as well as one of the most frequent phobias, including its origins and treatments, is critical in demonstrating how they are unreal things. To begin, let's look at how phobias influence us. It is possible to have a fear of anything. There are several theories as to why people develop phobias. They are, for example, the result of a terrifying experience. 'The memory is locked in and held with the frightening feelings, so that when a comparable occurrence occurs, the fear is triggered automatically, or they may not be direct or single reasons. They may be associated with a state of unconscious worry or odd changes. However, it is clear that they catch us in our childhood due to our lack of awareness.

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