Social Media

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Even though social media has some positive uses, it also leads to depression, anxiety, self-harm, and isolation. People are more interested in knowing what other people are doing rather than spending time on themselves; those who spend more time on social media become victims of depression and anxiety because it negatively affects the thought process and mood, and social media is one of the causes of sleep deprivation in teenagers. We, humans, require 6-8 hours of sleep per night to function in our daily activities. However, studies show that teens who are addicted to media sleep less, which has a negative impact on their health. Another point is that after spending time on social media, people compare themselves to celebrities and want to look slim, pretty, and wealthy like them. It is normal for teenagers to imitate those they admire or regard as role models; however, this imitation can have a negative impact on their self-esteem and self-confidence. People who spend more time on social media portraying themselves to celebrities are cut off from their friend circle. This brings us to the topic of social isolation. There is a statistical connection between social media use and social isolation when teenagers see party photos or videos It can cause anxiety in situations where they were not invited. It's a case of "fear of missing out." And the people around you will make you feel unwanted and abandoned. People's uncontrolled use of social media can lead to internet addiction. The more time people spend on social media, the more they spend on it. The worse their health becomes. Do you get distressed if you don't get likes on your social media pictures? How do you feel if you don't log into your social media accounts for a day? What is your true reaction when your followers begin to dwindle? Is it a bad feeling when someone unfollows you? These are some points to consider when assessing your level of addiction. Not only is social media seductive, but it can also lead to suicide and self-harm. People on the internet can do anything to get attention. When they see these people getting attention by self-harming, they copycat without thinking twice. They do it to show their bravery or because they have poor mental health. The situation worsens when they start sharing suicide methods and encouraging others to engage in suicidal behavior. When a person witnesses a friend's suicide attempt or death, it increases that person's risk of suicidal thoughts and attempts.

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