The mask we wear

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The masks we wear might range from good to evil, and from happy to sad. We all wear them at some point, some more than others. We put on masks to hide our inner selves and our actual feelings. Inside, we want to tell people what is going on in our life, but we are afraid of rejection and being mocked for what we think and how we feel.

We wear different types of masks depending on how we feel. Some people feel compelled to befriend practically everyone, regardless of how cruel the other person is to us. They frequently act polite to others, but as they turn around, behind their backs, they entirely shift.

They are cruel to the people they were so sweet too, all because they wanted them to believe they were their buddy.

When we are unhappy about something in our personal lives, we usually mask it with a phony emotion. We frequently put on a fake smile and appear as if nothing is amiss with us. We don't want to be mocked or criticized for something that could tarnish our cool image. We don't want others to see us as weak, so we throw up an emotional barrier, a mask, to keep others from knowing how we feel.

We throw up this barrier to block people from learning things we don't want them to know, and when they do, we lash out.

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