Astrid touched her own bleeding back and supposed it would appropriate to kick the girl once more. And then stomp on her for good measure - to even out the pain.

At that point Susan Bones was sobbing. Her heroic act had ceased to be and she had nothing to longer prove. The girl had simply given into her fate. And yet still... Astrid felt it wasn't enough. It must've been painful, sure, but there hadn't been enough embarrassment. Countless comments on her heritage had continuously made Astrid's blood boil with unease. Susan Bones would leave, heal her wounds in the hospital wing in the span of a day and everyone would forget she had even been involved. Astrid though would be remembered as a maniac. And she wanted the other to feel all the embarrassing unease Astrid might later feel.

Astrid drew out her left hand slowly, holding it out how a lady would to a nobleman. Her special ring shone a shade of green and for the first time Astrid looked at it with a smile. It was beautiful. 

"Kiss it!" Astrid sang and Susan slowly opened her eyes to look upon the girl as if she was insane. At that very moment, perhaps she was. "Kiss it, scum, do you not hear me? The shiny one."

Susan had sat up, her knees to the ground as she sat over her legs. Yet she did nothing. Just stared.

A sudden slap brought a sharp gasp from the small audience. The blood off her fingertips had smeared across Susan's cheek. "Bow down, bitch!"

Fearing for her life, Susan moved forward quickly and took hold of Astrid's hand. Though the second her lips made contact with the special ring, a shiver went through her whole body and she moved backwards, crying out in pain. Her lips had charred and once she turned her head to the side, Susan spit out blood. 

"That's right," Astrid huffed and moved backwards, freeing the girl's legs from the ground, "bark at me again and you'll be spitting out more than just blood."

She took another step back and with a wave of her hand had released the other Hufflepuffs too. Astrid glared down on them. "Spread the word and you're next." 

Her eyes flickered in the direction where the Slytherin lads stood and she contemplated telling them something too but then decided against it. They knew she knew where their dorm was...

Astrid turned on her heel and began walking away. She winced a little as she reached underneath her black robe to touch the wound on her back again. The girl stormed, no time to go back to her dorm to change, and simply hoped the blood would just go away and not seep through.

As she walked, a voice whispered in her head. Good job. Was it her subconscious or something else, she didn't know, nor care.

"Tell me," Theo spoke as the boys watched Ninomae stride off to the class the lot of them should've realistically already been at, "am I absolutely barking mad for finding that attractive?"

Draco couldn't move. He watched the girl operate in silent shock and gulped once he saw her raise her hand to look at the one ring that had cut open Bones' cheek and smile at it. She was insane. 

I mean, of course, I'm assassinating our headmaster but I'm not absolutely off my rocker.

Yet still, something inside him twisted and that was not in a manner of repulsion. He turned towards Theo, his eyes wider than usual and slowly shook his head. Just as slowly he turned to see the reactions of the others and hadn't he been so shocked, he would've mocked the way Crabbe looked to be trembling in his spot.

"Mate," Theo clapped him on the back, "you chose a bad year to choose and drop the girl."

What was worst, Draco couldn't comprehend why she was acting this way. Ninomae had looked straight at him at one moment and he feared maybe it had something to do with him. "Do you think-"

when they became villains [draco malfoy] {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now