"What do you-"

"Jethro complained to the King and Queen that he didn't feel the bond between him and Acacia anymore. It was obvious that she started the ritual with someone else. Jethro's family threatened to split the High elves and join Lilitu's side if the Queen didn't make Acacia break off her other romantic relationship." Tatia rubbed her forehead. "Obviously, Acacia didn't do that, so she's been taken to... she'll be give to Jethro, so he can claim her."

"By claim..." Nat struggled to get the words out. "You mean-"

"He's gonna rape her." I whispered, causing Tatia to look away. "And I've been gone for a while, so he probably has... I need to get to the elf realm!"

"We would need to get you a portal or something, but what-"

"Biquette!" The door was thrown open. "Please explain why two sexy elves demanded I bring you to them." Hailey gestured to Finn and Kai.

"Finn! Kai!" I ran to hug them. "Is Acacia okay? Can you take me to her?!"

"That's why we're here." Kai spoke since Finn looked distraught. "They handed her to Jethro and he- he-"

"HE VIOLATED MY SISTER!" Finn shouted, causing several items in the room to break. "I WILL KILL-"

"We can't." Kai immediately calmed his brother down. "We want to harm him, but we can't!" His hands formed into fist.

"She..." My eyes watered, so Hailey had to hold me.

"Acacia refused to say the vow and thought of you when he forced his way into her. Because of that, it made the marriage void. She's still connected to you... that's why you didn't feel anything break." I nodded at Kai. "But he's been relentless and is constantly forcing himself, but she refuses to give you up." He sniffled, so it was Finn's turn to comfort him.

"You must come and help us save our sister. Mother has banned us because we failed at taking Acacia and fleeing. We were caught and exiled." He sighed. "We came here because we thought you'd-"

"Where's the entrance?" My eyes darkened.

"We have a pocket portal." Kai held the device up.

"Let's go." I led them to the main room. "Not all of you guys." I addressed Acacia's friends. "I promise to return her, but you guys can't come." I bitterly smiled. "It's for your own protection." I then turned to Hailey. "Hails-"

"Let's go." Hailey spoke.

She took my hand and Finn's. He smiled and motioned for Kai to open the portal. We walked through the portal and landed in a forest. Kai and Finn instantly got their bearings and led us through the thicket. I saw Hailey walk up to Finn and speak to him. Even though Finn was saddened, he tried to appear energetic to Hailey. I quirked a brow as I watched them. Kai then fell in line with me since we were left out of their conversation.

"They seem to really be getting along." I whispered to Kai.

"He seems to fancy her." He whispered back. "I've never seen him so smitten before. Normally, he'd mindlessly flirt... but he seems to be carefully thinking about the words he uses." Kai then smirked. "Someone is in love. You can sense emotions, right?" I nodded. "Do it!" He nudged me.

I rolled my eyes, but did as he demanded. My eyes widened at sensing their mutual attraction. I couldn't help but smile at the two before us. Kai noticed tears falling down my cheeks, so he stopped and asked what was wrong.

"Th-They're mates." I whispered and wiped my happy tears. "Hails will finally be happy." He smiled back and hugged me tight. "She finally found her other half."

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