She'll Be Born This Year

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Just as I place down my cup of tea on the bedside table, I hear my name being called down the hall. I quickly throw Hero's t-shirt - which I've now silently claimed as my own - over my head before walking out to see what he wants. He's stood by the yellow, soft lights of the tree, is he okay? I join him, wondering why he's called for me.

"One last present," I'm really confused. We opened our presents hours ago and there's nothing left under the tree.

"But I've got all my presents, Hero," his hand slips into the tree and I see him pull out a small, velvet box. He places it in the palm of his hand, waiting for me to take it from him. He must be reeling, he's actually hidden something from me successfully for the first time in God knows how long.

I open the lid cautiously, unsure what I'm going to find inside. A key?

"But I already have a key?" Hero smiles and comes closer to me before he answers. His green orbs twinkle with the Christmas tree lights, making their shade even brighter.

"I know you do, love. This is one of the two master keys for the penthouse. I'm so used to having you here, I want you here all the time with me. You're my home, Jo and I want this to be our home, together," holy fuck he's asking me to move in with him? My mind goes into complete overdrive, running at a million miles an hour. Should I say yes? I'm here all the time as it is. Would it change anything? There are so many questions running through my mind I can't comprehend or consider any of them right now. Hero must sense my unease and uncertainty so he takes hold of my hand and squeezes gently.

"I'm not asking for an answer now, Jo. It's a big ask, but just know that you're my home, wherever you and our baby are, that's my home," I take him into my arms, leaning my head to the side so I can't hear his heart beating. I feel so safe and secure, would I be stupid to say yes straight away?


I always find that there's a complete lull between Christmas and New Year. Time doesn't seem to exist during these days, they just pass by in the wind and before you know it your TV-watching, napping filled days are over and New Year's Eve arrives.

Hero got a call from Felix two days ago, they're all going round to his for a New Year's bash, but he decided to opt-out in favour of just having a night in with me. However, we did say we'd meet his friends by the London Eye to watch the firework display and ring in the New Year. In all our years, we've never been down to the Thames to watch the display, we've just watched it on TV as neither of us lives close enough to see it outside our windows. I'm worried I'm taking him away from his friends but every time I broach the subject he tells me not to worry because he works with them and that they text often. I do hope he's telling the truth, I've never been a fan of giving up friends for your other half - can I call him that?

As we'll be heading out, I'd like to make myself at least somewhat presentable for Hero's friends. It's the first time they'll be seeing me with an actual bump and as Hero's girlfriend. The thought of that really freaks me out, he's known all his friends longer than me through his family. They've known of me but I've never really felt integrated into their group, there was never really a reason why, I just didn't.

"I'm going to run myself a bath," I stand placing the book I've been reading recently on the coffee table, and turn the corner of the page marking where I'm at. Placing a kiss on the top of Hero's head, I leave the blanket at his side and head to the seriously unused main bathroom. Usually, the both of us are all about showers, but I just fancy a bath. Submerging myself in the scented water, chilling out sounds just about perfect right now.

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