We Have Some News

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Nothing could have prepared me for when I saw mine and Jo's baby appear on the screen during her ultrasound. I've never experienced a feeling like it, I was overwhelmed, happy, nervous all at once. I couldn't stop looking at the tiny form that lies safely tucked away in Jo's belly. Our baby. I never thought I'd use the two words together, especially when it came to me and Jo - never.

"Okay, so you can see your baby there," Aimee points to our baby on the screen, comfortably lying on their back. My eyes have already started to sting, filling with water, I'm going to be a Dad, to that tiny baby.

"I'd say you're 12 weeks, is that right?" Jo nods yes as her answer, neither of us able to form words from what we're seeing.

I feel a huge sense of relief when we're told the baby's development is as expected and there are no abnormalities. Jo physically relaxes too at the news. Everything is on track and where it should be. Where it's meant to be. Aimee then continues to move the wand around on Jo's belly, taking various pictures of the baby for us to keep. I've already decided that I'm going to frame one of the photos and put it on my console table so it's the first and last thing I see before I leave and come home.

As I continue to watch the screen, the tears start to fall, even if it is only a few. Jo squeezes my hand reassuringly and wipes the tears that have spilt onto my cheeks.
"Happy tears," I say, kissing the hand I'm holding. I should have prepared myself more, I never expected to be this emotional.

"So, everything is perfect. From this scan, I would predict your due date around the 14th of May. I'll print these images off now. Josephine, you can clean yourself up," Aimee removes the wand from Jo's stomach and wraps the excess wire up quickly like a lasso before putting it away. Jo starts to wipe the paper towel over where the gel was, but I notice some has spilt onto her side, so I take the paper towel from her hand and gently wipe it off her, careful not to scratch her.

We're handed the images of the baby, instantly all I want to do is sit on the couch curled up with Jo admiring the baby. I can't believe how much our baby has already developed.

"When's the earliest I can have my next scan?" In all honesty, I'm just as eager as Jo. I want to know what we're having as soon as possible. Aimee smiles at Jo's question, clearly sensing but understanding her eagerness to see the baby again.

"The earliest we can do is 16 weeks, so four weeks from today. Let me get the appointment book and I'll see if I can slot you in," Jo and I nod, watching her leave. I turn my attention back to the photos in my hand, my index finger gently tracing the outline of our baby. I can't help myself, but I close my eyes and place a kiss on the first photograph, kissing my son or daughter for the first time.

"I've booked you in for the same time again in four weeks, is that okay? You'll be able to find out the baby's gender then too," both mine and Jo's eyes light up at this fact, I can't wait to find out what we're having, either way, I'll be spoiling it rotten.

"That's perfect, thank you, Aimee," Jo says, kindly. I hope they get Jo's kindness.

"No problem, I'll let you both go and see you in four weeks."

Jo headed straight to the bathroom after her scan. She's held on for hours so I'm not surprised that she needs to relieve herself. I could see the pressure Aimee was applying to her belly during the scan. It sounds awful, but I couldn't help but laugh. Her brisk walk looking more like a waddle as she headed to the toilet, trying her best to get there without having an accident. When she comes out of the bathrooms, I hold my hand out for her to take which she does and we walk hand in hand out of the hospital. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now.

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