I Never Thought We'd be Here... Together

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I don't think I've ever seen someone react so badly to a blood test. The fatal mistake was when she turned her head to the left and saw the blood leave her body and drip into the vial attached to the needle. I had a feeling she'd have a bad reaction, but not as bad as this. There was no way she was going to work or being left alone, that's why I brought her to mine.

I've just left Jo to sleep whatever is making her feel so bad off in my room. My bed's so much comfier than the guest bedrooms down the hall, it's like you lay on a bed of soft feathers and float away as you drift off into oblivion. It's why I get such a good night's sleep every night, without fail.

To ease her mind, I told Jo that I'd be doing my teaching remotely today, however that may have been a little white lie to calm her down as I know if I said I'd pull a sickie in work, she'd kick up a fuss. For someone who doesn't like fuss, she sure knows how to create one when she wants to. I did, however, call Jo's work for her and explained to her boss, Emily that she's taken ill and wouldn't be coming in today or tomorrow. Emily didn't sound too bothered, they mustn't have any highly important events that need attention at the company where Jo works, I don't know? I'm more concerned about Jo and her health at the moment than to consider anything else.

A few hours later, while I'm sat watching TV in the living area, I hear a door close from up the corridor. She's awake. I decide not to get off the couch, I'll let her come to me and we can talk, watch TV, do whatever she wants or needs. I hear her close the door behind her, the latch catching in the frame. I can tell she doesn't have any tights or socks on from here, when she's barefoot, Jo shuffles her feet which is exactly what she's doing now on the marble flooring. When she emerges from the corridor, her hair is curlier than before and she's wrapped herself in my dressing gown. It's going to smell like her later... she catches my eye as she walks towards the other side of the soft corner couch and climbs onto it, her feet going under her as she curls her legs up towards herself.
"How are you feeling?" I say, turning towards her. Jo just shrugs, I can tell right now she's avoiding eye contact with me, but I don't know why.

"Is your arm okay?" she rolls the sleeve up and checks where the nurse drew blood from her hours ago and I see a purple, blotchy bruise forming around the area. Jo just nods again. I take it she doesn't want to talk, but this is getting uncomfortable and I don't know what she needs from me to help her.

Before I can even think of anything else to say, Jo's shoulders start to shrug and she bursts into tears, right in front of me. I can't help myself, I'm stood on my feet and go straight over to her. I'm just running on instinct here; I take her into my arms, holding her letting her cry and get it all out. This had to happen at some point. Jo leans into me and puts her arms around me, holding onto me for dear life.

"Hey, come on, everything's alright," I say quietly, not sure who I'm talking to between myself and Jo.

"But... What if... what if it's something really... really bad, Hero?" I lift Jo up slightly so she has no option but to look directly at me. I could get lost in those blue oceans of hers.
"Whatever it is, you're going to be fine Jo. The doctors will be able to sort it and this will all be a thing of the past," I say, feigning confidence. Jo inhales deeply, calming herself down and pulls me back into a hug. I hug her small frame back tightly, ensuring she knows she's safe in my arms.

"You know I'm here for you, Jo. Always."


After arguing last night over Jo sleeping in my bed again and me sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms, she eventually caved and climbed into my bed again as she did in the afternoon. As soon as she got in, I could see the comfort overtake her, I didn't miss the small smile that crossed her lips as she sunk under the cover.
"Okay fine," she says, admitting defeat. I start laughing to myself at her. She's... cute. Before I close the door, I reach my hand in to shut the light off for her to save her from getting out of bed.
"Hero?" her soft voice calls. I lean my head around the door so she can see me again. Raising my eyebrows at her, I nod, silently asking her to continue. "Thank you for today... and tonight. For everything," I can't help but smile at her, lower my head and start to shake it. Will she ever realise?
"Anytime, Jo. Good night,"
"Good night, Hero,"

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