I'll Be Your Midwife

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I hear the water running from my en suite. She must be done. Jesus Christ, I've never been this nervous in my entire life. In a matter of minutes, we'll find out if Jo's treatment has worked or whether she has to subject herself to that again. Honestly, if that's the outcome I have no idea what I'll do. Of course, I'll be there at the side of her - that goes without saying - but I don't know if I could see her do all that again to potentially result in heartbreak. My heart would break along with hers.

When Jo comes out of the bathroom, she looks terrified. She places the two tests face down on the bedside table before joining me, cross-legged in front of me on the bed.

"How long do you have to wait?" I don't know if I can hack this, I feel completely sick like the pastries I've eaten could come up at any moment.

"We have to wait for three minutes," Jo's voice wavers, she sounds exactly the same as me. Our anxiety kept us up for the majority of the night, but spending the night in my bed with Jo was easily one of the best nights I've had. We didn't even do anything, I just held her hand, simply because I needed someone to hold mine. Selfish I know, but it's the truth.

"Are you okay?" she's holding up so well, I'm so fucking proud of her. She just nods yes as her reply. The silence around us is broken when we start to hear a beeping noise, both our attentions turning swiftly to the bedside table. It's time.

Jo slides off the bed effortlessly and reaches over to grab one of the tests, I can't see which one but the beeping ceases. I follow exactly what she's doing until she's back in front of me with the test in her hand.

"Ready?" I don't know if I'm asking myself or Jo this question. She slowly turns the test over in her hands for her to see the result. I see her eyes scan the test, as she takes in the results. I can't wait any longer, her eyes are glistening with unshed tears. I need to know.

"What is it? One or two, Jo?" she lifts her eyes to me, tears ready to fall. The test is turned in her hands and I see the two very distinct lines present on the test. Fuck, it worked!

"Jo..." I take the test from her hand and look at the two lines that have determined both mine and Jo's future. I look back to her, then to the test again. I'm amazed. In awe of the woman in front of me.

"You're pregnant," my voice is no higher than a whisper, I'm overwhelmed, happy, no, ecstatic about this. I can't help my actions as I drop the test between us onto the bed, place my hands on either side of Jo's face and bring our lips together. I can sense her surprise but she doesn't pull away. I slowly feel her purse her lips, returning my kiss as her hands place themselves over mine gently, holding me to her. I don't push it or deepen our kiss, but Christ her lips are so soft and full. I could stay here all day. I pull away from her slowly, unsure how to gauge her reaction. I've just kissed my best friend who's found out she's pregnant with my baby only a minute before. Her eyes meet mine, but her fingers lace themselves with mine tightly as I bring them down from her cheeks.

"We're having a baby, Hero," the tears start to fall onto her cheeks. With my free hand, using the pad of my thumb, I wipe away the tears away for her. Even when she's crying, she's beautiful.

"I'm so fucking happy," I really am, I don't know how I'm containing all the excitement inside me. Jo surprises me and climbs into my lap sideways, her legs hanging over the side of the bed. Her arms wrap themselves around my neck and we just sit there, me holding who I can now call the Mother of my child.

"Thank you, Hero," she whispers, still trying to get her crying under control. I tighten my hold on her, letting her know I'm here for her, all the way.

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