Last One Before the Baby

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Hero really took me by surprise when he said he thinks we'll be having a girl. I don't know why but I can only imagine a mini Hero when I think about us as a three. Hero's dark, brown tousled hair with my blue eyes. I don't mind what we have, just as long as mine and Hero's baby is healthy is all that matters to me.

"If there's anything you need, Jo, just let me know. Your family are a long way away but you have us here. Remember that, okay?" Martha's kind words really touch me and make me smile as she holds me in a tight hug. As we pull away, I thank her and look over to Hero who's waiting for me to follow him back to the car. Mercy and Martha stay at the door, talking between themselves but continue to look at us. I wonder what they're saying?

"Mine or yours?" Hero starts the car, the engine roaring in front of us as he loads all the Tesla gadgets up.

"Could we go to yours?"

"Are you two staying tonight?" I love it when he mentions the two of us, there are two of us now I suppose.

"If you'll have us,"

"Of course."

Sunday night at Hero's flew by and Monday passed by in a blink. It's now Tuesday afternoon and I've only just realised that it's Hero's birthday on Friday. His last one before the baby comes. Remembering, I decide to drop him a text.

Do you have any birthday plans?

I'm not entirely sure if he's teaching right now or not as it's just past three. Three bubbles start to bobble up and down in our messages, so he mustn't be teaching.

Hero: I made them for us this morning. Hope you're not doing anything on Friday night!

I'd earmarked Friday night as when we'd be celebrating his 27th birthday. I smile, feeling excited that he's made plans. I reply to him.

I don't, but it looks like I do now. Where are we going?

Hero: Somewhere fancy so we can get dressed up. Get ready at yours and I'll pick you up. We'll get the Tube to where we're going.

I've been at my apartment since yesterday evening, and I've felt so cold and lonely at night. I've missed Hero's warmth, being in his arms and laying my head on his strong, soft chest. I won't lie either, I've missed our good night kisses too. Every single time he kisses me, I feel so alive. I feel myself light up, like I'm glowing, my whole body becoming so sensitized from his kisses and touch. I have no idea I could ever feel something like that from anyone... especially Hero. He's been in my life for so long and only now are we looking at each other as more than friends. We've not put any labels on it, but it's definitely safe to say we're more to one another.


Since I walked out of work a bit later than planned, I've felt so rushed as I need to get ready for Hero's birthday plans. He's still not told me where we're going, but I've got a little secret of my own which I'll be showing him tonight. I first noticed it on Wednesday evening after getting out of the shower. My baby bump has officially arrived, it's small but noticeable depending on what I wear, so I've made a point to pick out something that I know will show it off to Hero. Just one of his birthday presents for this year. The other is wrapped up, it's only small, but I hope Hero likes it.

When I get in, I head straight to the bathroom and start to run the shower, getting the water to a warm temperature. When I undress, I instinctively start to rub my hardened, slightly rounded belly. I've always been quite fortunate that my stomach has always been flat, carrying weight in different areas, so my bump is quite noticeable. I've chosen a deep wine red midi dress that's trimmed in black, when I tried it on it showed my bump just enough to be easily noticeable. I'm being brave too as I've lifted out my black wedges, but I should be fine as I have Hero to hold onto if we have to walk anywhere.

My Gift To You | Herophine FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz