You Really Don't Get it, Do You?

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I'd be lying if I said I went in the shower with Hero for just a shower. Knowing he didn't regret last night and that it wasn't just to satisfy my hormonal pregnancy needs, but meant something to him was the biggest relief of my life. As I woke up, I was more than ready to apologise to him, tell him that it's just a one-off and we'd move on from it - that it was just a whole thing - but he wanted it just as much as I did. The feeling was mutual, he found it equally as mind-blowing. He gave me all of him, just as I gave him all of me. I just wanted to return the favour, however, I now find myself in an orgasm debt again.

After our activities, I didn't want to leave the warmth of the shower stream so Hero stepped out before me, drying himself on the other side of the glass before wrapping the towel loosely around his waist, his back and hair still glistening with a thin layer of dampness. It's surprising how loud the waterfall shower is, I can't hear a thing outside the stream. Knowing I don't need to wash again, considering how thorough Hero was with his ministrations, I step out of the waterfall and turn the knob on the side, cutting off the supply of water from above. Instantly a chill hits me as I step out, so I grab the grey towel from the heated rack and wrap it around myself, towel drying my hair before securing it in place under my arm.

As I enter the bedroom, I start to look for my underwear to get dressed, but I hear Hero saying he overslept, is he on the phone? I walk out into the hall and turn the corner, if they're on the phone they won't hear me.
"Hero? Hero, where's my b-" he turns to me, worry plastered all over his face. I stop walking realising why he's worried. Mercy's eyes quickly bounce between the two of us, I see that she's putting the pieces of the puzzle together much quicker than Hero or I can comprehend or would like her to. Then realisation solidifies itself on her face.

"I fucking knew it!" Mercy gets off the stool and crosses her arms over her chest. She purses her lips, clearly waiting on an explanation from us, but what is there to tell? She's not stupid, she knows what's gone on here.

"Merc, I -"

"Oh fuck off, Hero. As if it wasn't going to happen. A bit of a heads up would have been nice, I don't want to see you two fucking on the couch," despite how funny that sounds, I can tell Mercy is pissed off at Hero - and me, I suppose - for not letting her know our little secret.

"Mercy, I promise we were going to tell you and your Mum the next time we saw you," Hero looks down to me, still wearing a worried face as I talk his sister down.

"It's very new, believe me," I'm doing my best here, but she's so hard to read.

"How new?" she looks very inquisitive asking the questions, I would be too in all fairness.

"We've not been together long. We... slept together for the first time last night," okay, I wouldn't have gone into that much detail as I can now feel a deep red blush cover what's visible on my chest and my face too.

"Okay bro, too much info... I'm happy for you two," finally she sounds more like her normal self. I love Mercy and even though she's two years younger than me and Hero, she's certainly not one to be messed with. 

Seemingly, Hero completely forgot that he'd planned with Mercy a while ago to go Christmas shopping this weekend. If you don't get it done early in London, you'll one, struggle for presents and two, have to brave a horrendously busy Oxford Street which I know is Hero's worst nightmare. However, despite Mercy's efforts, Hero doesn't seem to be entertaining the idea of shopping today, saying he likes the sound of a lazy Saturday with me more.

"You prick, I came all the way here and now you're backing out on me?" knowing he's going to get an earful from his sister if she doesn't go shopping, I step up and decide to take one for him.
"I'll come with you Mercy, I need to make a start on my Christmas shopping anyway. I'll get ready now," she visibly relaxes and smiles sweetly at both me and Hero. I turn back, heading into the bedroom to start getting ready and hear Hero pad behind me. He closes the door, offering us some privacy before he pulls me into his arms and kisses me tenderly, holding me to him.

My Gift To You | Herophine FicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin