chapter ➊➏

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a/n: oh look who finally updated! here you guys go, I'll be writing more tonight too. hope you like this chapter btw this song is perfect x

Brooklyn's POV

"so tell me brooklyn.... how did it start."

in that moment it took me a while to think. i had to be thinking.

it's been two months. exactly two months since i came home. since many things actually.

i started to go back to school. i mean it's two days every week but that's a start.

so many things are different at school. i can't really say they are good different. they are just different.

people usually pass me in the hallway and give me a freaked out look. like "omfg she was gonna kill herself"

no really because it looked like i was just happy. yeah i was gonna kill myself.

but yeah and then there are the people that go up to me and say things like, "im so sorry for what happened, are you okay? you can talk to me anytime." then they leave.

like they don't actually want me to talk about it to them nor care. they just want to seem nice. but ive seen what faking being nice can do to people and it's not pretty.

teachers always ask if I need help and I'm like "no I'm fine" then they ask me over and over again and I'm just like "yes i am perfect okay now just go help someone who actually cares how they are"

that'll usually shut up the teachers.

but right now in this moment, i see the therapist staring at me asking all of these questions.

my 1st therapy session.

it took me 2 months after I got home to finally get a therapist.

"brooklyn? you there?"
she was snapping her fingers in my face as she said that.

"s-sorry i was just thinking...uhm"
and there i was thinking again.

"just go when you are ready."

I closed my eyes for about 10 seconds and thought. thought of all that has happened.

my mom and everything
suicide attempt
where i am now

"there are many causes of how it started. i don't know whether it was the people at school that hated me, being a single child and having to deal with my mom going out getting drunk and having fun while i was sitting at home and crying my eyes out. or if it was that the person I loved most was with the person who I despised the most.... he would be falling asleep while i would be falling apart."

I took a deep breathe after saying all that as i watched the therapist write down a summary of what i had said.

"mmhm yes tell me more about what happened with your mom... and your dad"

"im not sure if i want to talk about it."
i said which is true. talking about all that triggered me a lot, and i couldn't deal with it.

"honey it'll be fine, you can trust me. just say what you think"

i took four deep breathes.
in and out.

"my mother was with my dad almost my entire life. but last year was a hard year. my mom caught him cheating on her with a 26 year old woman and my mom asked my dad who he would pick and he chose the woman... I haven't seen my dad since. everything was depressing for both me and my mom after that and she would fake being happy. I would also fake being happy and that's how it went with us."

the therapist continued writing down things on her little notepad.

"one night my mom went out to a bar and she got hurt, apperently a man followed her home and hit her. I don't know who it was but after that all she would do is go to bars and drink and get drunk and smoke and i just couldn't take it... she didn't care about me any more and I started to wonder if she ever did actually care about me since it sure as hell seemed like she didn't."

i started to tear up. i don't cry often because it breaks me down and takes me back to all of the memories all of the pain i felt.

the therapist put the pen and notebook down and pulled me into a hug.

then she let go, I let go.

"im sorry i don't get emotional like that that often it's just it hurts I'm sorry."

the therapist wiped her eye, as I could see she was tearing too.

"don't be sorry sweety.. you know why I became a therapist. I went though the same thing you did. not exactly the same but I was depressed and I hated my life... I started smoking and everything but I finally decided to see a therapist and it helped me so much I decided to become one so I could help people.. just like you brooklyn."

i slid a little smile, "maybe I'll become a therapist"

she smiled, "maybe you will... that's all the time we have for today. I'll see you next week brooklyn."

"okay bye."

then i left and headed for the door.

first therapy session was actually not that bad. i thought i was going to have to say everything but it wasn't that bad at all.

then at the door i saw luke.
and it took me back to that moment at the hospital.

when i left.
that perfect moment. when I knew I was in love with luke.

but there he was standing as perfect as ever. just like he was at the hospital.

he held his hand out to be and i held on to it as he opened up the car door for me and him.

"your movie date awaits." he had that stupid smirk on his face.

then i got a text. it was from shelby.

"hayyy gurl how's life with your boyfriend, hope alls good text me what's up."

"who's that" luke asked

"oh aha it's just shelby" i smile as I reply

"ayyee alls good and it's great I'll text you later tho thanks gurl."

i hit the send button. and just relaxed next to my boyfriend.

oh have i not mentioned. luke is my boyfriend, how could i have forgotten one of the most important details?

a/n: otp that's all I got to say

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