chapter ➊➑

77 3 1

Brooklyn's POV

today was the day.

graduation. finally.

i woke up at 10 which is quite late for me i usually wake up at 8 but graduation wasn't until 12:30 so i thought i would have enough time to get ready.

i looked around in my closet to see if i had my graduation gown.
i couldn't find it, maybe my mom had it.

i ran down the stairs looking for my mom.

"mom! do you have my graduation gown i can't find it" i yell

"im over here honey"

I heard my mom say, it sounded like it was coming from the garage.

she turned to me with a box with a little ribbon on it.

"here you go honey..."

I was so relieved she had it. i couldn't afford to loose it today.

today was a special day.
a very special day.

"thank you so much mom." i ran back upstairs putting the gown on and adjusting the cap on my head.

it was about 11:15 by this time so i texted luke.

"hey what time are you coming?" i texted

he texted back a minute later, "11:30 so be ready x"

i put down my phone and stumbled down the stairs in a rush for time because i would rather be early to graduation than late.

i grabbed some cereal and ate it quickly and went so say goodbye to my mom right as i heard the doorbell ring.

i looked at myself in the mirror making sure that i looked just right.

"okay... you are doing this. you're gonna be great"

i opened the door and there he was.

"hello ms brooklyn marie" he smiled

i smiled back, "why hello mr luke hemmings.. ready to go?"

"yes, let's go!"

and just like that we got in the car and started to head to graduation when you would never guess which song was on the radio.

stay together for the kids.

another blink song. and me and luke both loved blink so much.

singing along and reminding me of when we were singing rock show in his car and how far we both have come.


luke parked the car and there it was.
the school.

the last time id ever actually be in it.

all of the memories.

this was it.

luke opened the car door for me and i got out.

"damn, we are here.. this is really it."
luke whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"yeah... it is, finally. been a long ass 4 years though in all honesty"

"but worth it, so i could meet you." luke said as he gazed into my eyes

"aw now that is cheesy af lucas." i laughed

luke laughed as well, "did you seriously just say af."

"hey i may have" i continued laughing

luke just shook his head and laughed "okay Brooke let's go in"

we walked in and the first thing i saw was everyone standing around looking for friends and trying to prepare there speech last minute.

and then i see shelby.

"hey brookee!!" she said of course enthusiastically

"hey shelbs."

luke met up with michael, ashton, and calum. his best friends probably to talk about what they are going to do after graduation.

then i heard the announcer start talking for the audience, "ahem ahem, may i have your attention please"

the audience was silent.

"we are all here today to graduate all of these seniors here at west middleton highschool who have worked very hard to graduate. all of them have such bright futures and will become very successful in life... i am proud to present the seniors of west middleton high."

then the speaker went off with the first name , "Charlotte Alyson"

she didn't seem to familiar to me.

there were just more and more names and then i heard

"Brooklyn Marie"

i took a big gulp and went out.

they handed me the certificate and gave me the mic to make a speech.

the crowd was silent yet again.

"most of you know me as the girl who tried to commit suicide and lost her memory to amnesia. now that is true. but there is so much more. this year has been a tough one for me but im still here and alive and well. and i am so glad i still am. now i know most people talk about what they want to do for there graduation speech but honestly i don't know what the hell im going to do. but i know i want to help people, i don't want anyone to go through what I went through. because it is like a thousand years of suffering and you think there is no hope... but i promise you for anyone out here that is struggling there is hope. it may seem hard but it gets better. this is coming from experience. I thought life would never get better for me and the only way out was to kill myself. but you know that is false, im up here today proud to still be alive. thank you to everyone who helped me. my future will be bright and i know that, and i believe that. and to my best friend shelby and my boyfriend luke, here's to a good future. here's to a good life."

i wrapped up my speech and there was so much applauding i may have shed a tear or a few.

shelby went up a little while after me and she talked a little about me in her speech and how i helped her become a better person.

Chelsea's speech was pretty boring it was just her and how she had a fashion career she wanted ahead of her. I mean good for her but I never liked her.

soon enough luke was up and i payed all of my attention to what he was going to say.

"now, my entire highschool experience has had its ups and it's downs. i want to carry on with having a good life in the future. i want to be involved with music. i want to inspire people and give them hope with music. that's all I've ever wanted..."

luke stopped all of a sudden and took a deep breath.

"a lot of highschool was just classes, getting good grades, meeting amazing friends like my best friends mikey, ash, and cal thank you guys, or some people here that have given me some inspiration... but here in the 9th grade i met the love of my life, brooklyn marie. ever since I saw her I knew that she was the one, now it took me a long time to realize it. but sometimes with tragedies that happen you realize who you really love. and who is the most important to you. it has taken me 4 years to say this but i love you brooklyn, can you come join me on stage?"

i was totally shocked. what was he doing? but i did as told and i went up on stage surprised as ever.

"brooklyn I've known you for 4 years and i want to know you for the next countless amount of days. you've changed my life. i love you more than anything. and it has taken me this long to know that you. you are the one that i want to be with...."

luke took a little box out of his graduation gown and got down on one knee.

"brooklyn grace marie, will you marry me?"

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