chapter ➒

171 3 3

Luke's POV

finally of which seemed of days of waiting the doctor came in.

"Brooklyn's mom told us that you are a good friend of Brooklyn's. could you come here a sec?"

I look over to my mom.
then look back.

"ya. okay." I follow the doctor to a room with lots of files and cabinets.
it looked so medical and like something you would see in the back of a schools office.

"we have some news to discuss."

I listen closely.

"okay so I have come to the conclusion that you're friend Brooklyn she was trying to commit suicide. she jumped off of the bridge. she hit her head on a rock by the surface though, causing her not to drown in the water. based on the scars on her arms we figure she was depressed. we have some good news though."

my eyes were watering so bad and you could tell I was about to break.

"Brooklyn is alive."

the news hit me like a hurricane hits the ground out of nowhere.

"sh-she's alive?" i studder.

"yes she is alive, she is damaged though, she has bruises everywhere and her arms are cut very badly. she has lost a lot of blood but we are very fortunate that she is strong. she is so strong. luke?"

he fumbled around in his pocket for a little bit till he found something.

"I want you to have this."

he pulled out a crumbled up piece of the paper.

the title was , "dear loved ones"

"I'm guessing this was Brooke's suicide note but I think she wants you to have it."

I read the entire thing.

she loved me.
but how could she?
I broke her.
it's all my fault.
I never told her I loved her.
and it was too late.
but maybe it wasn't, she was still alive. I still had time.
if only she knew I didn't really like Chelsea.
I was going to break up with her.
yeah she was hot and all but she was nothing compared to Brooke.

suddenly a nurse came dashing through the door, "SHES AWAKE!"

I shoot a look at the nurse and then look at the doctor for instructions.

"come with me."

he leads me to a hospital room , the walls were painted white and it wasn't very big.
that's when I see her.
I see Brooke.
she looks so bad but I couldn't help feeling so happy that she was alive and okay.

I go over to her very fast.
her eyes were just starting to wake up and she stood up to look at my face.
"brooke oh my god you are alive. I read your note and I wanted to tell you. I love you, I love you okay and I always have and always will."

she just looked at me.

her face was so blank I couldn't understand what she was thinking.

"who-who are you?"

her expression spoke more than her words could ever say

she didn't remember me.

she didn't remember my voice or my face or even my heartbeat

she has forgotten every little thing.

"it's its luke, known you since freshman year. you are my best friend ring a bell?

"n-n-no I don't know who you are."

my heart was completely shattered.
just by those words.

a nurse came in the room at that point and motioned for me to leave the room and to go with her.

"luke I have some news."

"what news?"

"brooklyn has amnesia, she doesn't remember anything"

and at that very second I swear you could hear my heart break.

a/n: hope you guys are enjoying the story ((: plot twist AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT xx

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