No Tostadas :(

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Chester followed Jordan outside. Their parenting class had ended early, and that was okay. That meant there was no rush to get across campus to meet Mike for lunch at the cafeteria. "I'm glad Ms. Kitchens liked our project," Chester said as he shoved his glasses up on his nose. He'd put them on for class, and hadn't thought to take them off when it was over. Even though he wasn't the biggest fan of how they looked, he could see better with them on.

"I knew she would," Jordan responded immediately as he walked with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. "Even with you feeling like crap last week, we still kicked its ass."

Chester grinned. "We did kick its ass. Fuck, I'm glad I'm finally over being sick. I've never had so much gross stuff coming out of my body."

Jordan stuck his tongue out. "That's so nasty. I don't want the details." He looked ahead, they could already see the dining hall. It was relaxing to walk over the campus grounds without the normal crowds of people. It was a moment to enjoy the nicely landscaped grass and trees. The air wasn't smelling awful today and the sky overhead looked less smoggy and more like sunshine. It was nice, and he hated that he couldn't walk with Chester longer. "You're meeting Mike for lunch?"

Chester nodded. "It's taco Tuesday," he said with a point towards the cafeteria. "And Brad makes killer tostadas with refried beans and this spicy cheese that Mike loves." He licked his lips. Even though they had their favorite Mexican restaurant and Chester could make good tacos at home, it wasn't quite Brad's cooking, and his tostadas were one thing he and Mike agreed on. "I'm so in the mood for sour cream. I'm going to get two and smother them."

Jordan laughed as he looked over to see Chester covering imaginary tostadas in sour cream. "I bet they'll be stellar. Wish I could join you, but I gotta motor." He slung his black backpack around on his side to dig through it while they walked. "I have to go see one of my professors. He gave me a D on my last quiz, and he's wrong. You know? He's just fucking wrong, so I have to go fight for it. It was at least a C. No way in hell it was a D. It's the system and the stupid curve he grades on. It's not fair and I'm going to tell him so." He found his sunglasses and popped them on his face.

"Good luck fighting the man," Chester snickered, giving Jordan a quick pat to his shoulder before they said goodbye and parted ways. Chester only glanced over once to see Jordan disappearing around one of the buildings before he set his eyes on the cafeteria. It was early still, as he checked his watch. He'd have to hang around and wait for Mike to get there.

When Matthias Harris left his graduate seminar and headed for the cafeteria, the last person he thought he'd run into was Chester Bennington. He'd heard that Mike moved off campus at spring break, and it made sense that Chester wouldn't be hanging around much after that. But there was Mike's boyfriend, slowly walking toward the cafeteria, alone. Look at him, not a care in the world.

Matt's eyes narrowed as he thought about the last few weeks. He was almost certain it had been Mike that went to the Dean about him. That by itself shouldn't have been enough to have his teaching assistant position suspended, but Matt also knew there had been other students who turned him down. They all got together and made it sound worse than it is. There's nothing wrong with being friendly. Just sensitive people taking it the wrong way. Kissing and telling.

It was burning him up to think about it the longer he trailed behind Chester. Whether or not he'd keep his position was still up in the air, pending an investigation. Matt wasn't sure exactly what that would entail, but he wasn't feeling confident about it. His theory class had already been taken over by another graduate student, and Mike had been moved out of the section around the same time. It had to have been Mike, he decided for the hundredth time since it had all gone down. All because Chester saw us kissing.

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