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Downstairs in his Seattle apartment, Jason was trying hard to work. He thought by moving the operation to the dining table downstairs instead of the bedroom he would be able to concentrate more, but his mind kept returning to the fact that Ryan Shuck was in his apartment. His Ryan, who was looking better every day... and while that was the goal in having brought him to Seattle, it was not helping Jason keep his hands to himself. Six months of abstinence would be hard on anyone, but the knowledge that a reunion was imminent made waiting so much harder.

Seattle sucks, he thought for at least the hundredth time since they'd gone to get their STD tests yesterday morning. In L.A., same day results were commonplace, and Jason had been annoyed to find that here, the tests had to be sent out to a lab. It had not been the news that he or Ryan had been hoping for, and they had gone out to lunch in a public place to help keep the chaste space between them. The extra restaurant calories from the deli didn't hurt, either, and Jason had been pleased to watch Ryan scarf down a giant sandwich piled with three meats and cheese on a pretzel roll, along with two bowls of soup. Once Ryan had his fill, they went to a coffee shop and sat for an hour, drinking coffee and sharing cookies. Ryan had teased him under the table the whole time, tapping his foot against Jason's leg, rubbing his thigh, and tickling his knee, all while his eyes sparkled with life and anticipation.

Jason watched the rain running down the windows and smiled, thinking about how they had been all over each other the moment they walked into the apartment. It had been a replay of the day before when they were in the bed, half naked, before they agreed to go get tested and stopped. At least we kept our shirts on yesterday. God, he's amazing. I wanted him so bad.

Just thinking about it was making Jason hot again. He got up from the table, running his hands over his face and into his hair. There was an inbox full of emails that needed his attention, and two project approvals he needed to sign off on, but it was hard to concentrate. He glanced at his watch again. It's after lunch. They said after lunch! When are they going to call? He sighed and sat down, opening an email. He was halfway through it before he stood up again and started for the stairs. His hand was on the railing, one foot on the bottom step, and then he shook his head. Going upstairs, where Ryan was hiding in the bedroom to allow Jason to concentrate on his work, would only lead to them making out and getting frustrated again. It also wouldn't help him get on task for his job.

Jason stopped and looked up the stairs, his shoulders dropping. He closed his eyes and turned around, pacing back over to the table, where his eyes caught his phone. Ring, damnit. Ring.

Upstairs, Ryan was trying to make good use of his free time. He knew Jason had to work - even if he was working-from-home - and Ryan didn't want to be distracting yet again. He was pretty sure Jason didn't do any work yesterday, before or after they'd gone to get their tests, so today, Ryan was determined to give his boyfriend his space.

Besides, physically they couldn't go any further than they already had, and all the stopping and starting, fun as it was, was more frustrating than anything. Being so close and intimate with Jason without being able to go the full distance was hard.

Ryan paced from the bedroom, into the open bathroom and to the closet, where the light was on. Jason's clothes were there, all neatly hung and organized. It was amusing to see his boyfriend's collection of long sleeves and sweaters. They were a far cry from the business dress shirts he was used to seeing Jason in. Those dressier clothes were still there, and he knew Jason wore them when he went into the office, but outside of that, it was all sweaters and jeans. Jeans.

He smirked as he stepped over to Jason's four drawer dresser. He opened the bottom drawer and smiled at the stacks of blue jeans. Even though he'd never minded Jason's very business-like style, he had to admit it was nice to see his boyfriend shifting into a more comfortable lifestyle. A lifestyle where he was free to relax, and Ryan was ready to relax with him.

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