Second Chances

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Chester only made it two steps past Elka's desk before Talinda came out of nowhere and informed him that they needed to talk. He glanced over his shoulder to wave and tell Elka he'd see her later before he was walking with Talinda. As always, he was racing to keep up with her quick pace, until they turned the corner.

They went from a hundred miles an hour, to a slow walk, Talinda's heels clicking on the bamboo flooring. "So," she said, glancing around quickly as she stuck close to Chester's side. "How was he?"

No explanation was needed. "He's good," Chester assured her, sticking both hands into the front pocket of his black and pink hoodie. He and Mike had been home for a few days, but they'd returned from the snowy north to find L.A. covered in clouds and a brisk wind that hadn't stopped for days. "He's happy. And he looks great. His eyes are clear and he's...there. Like, present." He heard Talinda let out a sigh as he looked over. Her dark hair was up in her standard ponytail. It usually gave her face a tight look, but this morning, he watched the stress go out of her face.

"I know he's told me he's doing well, and when we Facetime, he looks good, but it's not the same as seeing him in person," she said as she walked with her clipboard pressed to the front of her black pinstriped suit jacket. "I'm glad you got to see him. I just hope he can keep himself clean. Seattle's got just as big of a drug problem as L.A."

Chester nodded. "I know. But Jason's with him, and that's going to make all the difference. They're completely together again. Like, fucking all in, Talinda. They're even wearing their promise rings."


"I know. I told Ry that was really fast, but he's 100% certain they're in it for the long run."

"For Ryan's sake, I hope he's right." They turned the corner. The great room was empty, but Chester took a second to admire the gloomy view of the city. "Jay's apartment has this same view," he said, pointing. "A cityscape. Ryan really loves it there. They have a cat," he added with a shrug.

"I've heard about the cat. I'm happy for him," she insisted as they headed down the next hallway and then into the studio and crossed to Forrest's office. "I just don't want to find out three months from now that Jason cheated on him and he's lost in Seattle somewhere."

Chester stopped. His eyes went wide in thought. "No," he said, turning to face Talinda, right in front of the boss' office door. "He wouldn't. At least, I don't think he would. I know you don't think super highly of Jason because of what happened, but he's better now."


"It's complicated," Chester said, trying not to sound whiny. "He was messed up after his first husband died. We all were, and it got the best of us. Anyway," he asserted, "don't think negatively. I spent time with Jason while he was here. He loves Ryan, and he came all the way down here to find him. He took him home and went through all the withdrawals with Ry. You don't do that if you're just going to go out and sleep around."

Talinda pursed her lips before she finally nodded in agreement. Despite her own reservations, she really didn't know Ryan Shuck the way Chester did, and she didn't know Jason at all. But it was clear there was something very strong between the two men, just like Ryan had told her more than once. "Okay. I'm thinking positive," she said, before looking down at her clipboard. "I've got some place to be. Go on in," she said, as she leaned over and knocked on Forrest's office door. "And good luck."

Before Chester could say anything to that, he felt Talinda's hand on his arm, and then her lips to his cheek as she quickly kissed him, and then dashed away. Chester was left a little stunned as he heard Forrest say to come on in. Why did she kiss me? And what did she mean by 'good luck'? Oh fuck me....he's going to fire me. That's what this was all about. Letting me use the cabin, and now Talinda telling me good luck. Fuck. Fuck!

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