Double Sided Trust

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The last thing Mike wanted to do was turn around to the voice calling after him. The voice he recognized as Matt's. His afternoon applied music class was canceled, which meant he didn't have to kill an hour at the library before going back to the studio. All he wanted to do was go home. He was sleepy. The previous night had been restless for him and Chester, with the baby being extra active and keeping them awake. I just wanted to take a nap before Ches got home. Fuck, I don't want to talk to Matt.

He plastered a fake smile on his face and turned to look over his shoulder, but he didn't stop. "Oh, hey," he called as his T.A. caught up with him. "What's up, Matt?"

Matt had scrambled to get his things together after class and follow Mike out, almost missing his student when he turned toward the apartments instead of the library, as was his habit. "I just saw you headed toward home, I'm going that way, too." He fell into step with Mike, who didn't look his direction at all. "How are things?"

Mike sighed. "Fine." He wasn't in the mood for small talk at all. "Did you need something?" He kept his eyes ahead, refusing to give Matt much of his attention. It had been the goal since the start of the semester.

"Well, you didn't text me back the other night," Matt started casually, "or ever, actually."

"You're my teacher, Matt, not my friend." Mike bit his bottom lip, and finally looked over. A small flutter of doubt hit his stomach when he saw the expression on Matt's face. "I mean, you know... it's awkward. I can't go out drinking with you guys. What do they call that? It's like... a conflict of interest."

"Okay, okay," Matt agreed, waving off Mike's concern. "I get it Shinoda. I just thought it might be easier to talk to you over a beer, but I can do it this way, too." He looked around them, making sure there wasn't anyone too close. Unlike Mike's schedule, Matt didn't know Chester's, and wasn't keen on him overhearing what he had to say to Mike next.

Mike rolled his eyes. Thankfully, they were close to the apartments. "Whatever you need to say, just say it. I'm tired, Matt. I'm not in the mood." He knew he was being a dick, but he couldn't make himself care.

"Sure, we can do it your way." Matt dropped his voice and slowed his pace a little, hoping Mike would as well. "It's about Chester." He wasn't expecting Mike to come to a flat out stop, but he did, turning to Matt in a huff.

"What about Chester? It's always about Chester with you. Why are you so interested in him?" Mike felt his hands clench into fists at his sides, and he had to will himself not to reach out. He'd had enough of this. "He's a student now, so being at my apartment isn't a big deal the way it was. Can't you leave it alone?"

Matt held his hands up. "That's why I said this would be better over a beer. I'm not trying to piss you off!"

"Well you are," Mike tossed back angrily. "You're the one not keeping the line, here." He started walking again, away from Matt. "Whatever you want to tell me, tell me so I can go home. I need a nap," he snapped.

It was interesting to see Mike Shinoda angry. Matt caught back up to him, but wisely kept his hands to himself. "I don't know, I thought I'd help you out, because I thought we were cool. But it's fine, if you want to keep the line." Matt shrugged like it was no big deal when Mike looked over at him. "I'd want to know if my boyfriend was all cozy with some other guy, though." He watched as Mike's scowl changed to surprise.

"Cozy? Chester isn't cozy with anyone," Mike fired back instantly, even though his annoyance changed to something uneasy. He kept walking, ready to dismiss Matt altogether. He doesn't know us. He doesn't know anything about who is cozy with who.

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