Clearing the Air

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Jason lay on his back, his fingers laced through Ryan's while their breathing slowed down together. His eyes were closed, and his body felt heavy. It was a good feeling in the morning. There was nothing like waking up and making love, and over the course of his relationship with Ryan, that was an activity they hadn't shared much.

So many mornings at YRS the two of them spent apart, first laying eyes on each other at the breakfast table. They would be fully dressed for the day, one of Mark's rules. Jason never got to see Ryan's hair sleep tousled, or his eyes barely open, or his bare chest as he brushed his teeth. All of those intimate moments of a shared life they had missed for years. It added up to a lot of missed time.

But now that they were together - really together - it was a favorite way to spend the morning. A slow smile crept over Jason's face as his free hand rubbed over the dark gray tank top he still had on, even after orgasms had come and gone. It had been easy to ditch his pajamas in favor of Ryan's tank top last night when they showered and got ready for bed, and Jason was pretty sure the tank top was what had Ryan feeling so frisky this morning. He knew they needed to get up soon and shower again to be presentable to go to Brad's, but right now, he was comfortable. Worn out.

The hotel air conditioning drifted over his almost naked body as he turned and snuggled up to his fiance, kissing his shoulder. "You're an animal in the morning," he mumbled drowsily, reaching across Ryan's body to wrap his arm around him. "My wolfie."

Ryan's eyes were closed as he turned his head, his lips and nose finding Jason's dark hair. He inhaled him - the scent of morning sex and his Jason. Two things that Ryan enjoyed. There were times when they had sex more often in the morning than at night, the days wearing them out and leaving them crashing in bed chasing after sleep rather than physical pleasure.

But mornings were different. They both woke up with energy, and Ryan always got a special thrill at the sight of Jason with messy hair and sleepy eyes. This morning was extra exciting when he'd run his hand down the front of the smokey gray muscle shirt Jason had stolen last night and worn to bed with his white boxer shorts. It had left Ryan's morning thoughts quickly turning towards kisses and blow jobs and connection.

"It's all for you, Jason Akio," Ryan said as he left a kiss on the top of his fiance's head. "I love having sex with you in the mornings," he offered honestly with a smirk. "It's a great way to start the day."

"It makes me wish we could just stay here all day." Jason felt Ryan nod against his head. "I mean, I am hungry. And it's been so long since both of us have had someone else make breakfast." He smiled, even as thoughts of weekday mornings in days past filtered through his mind. Jason was right where he'd always wanted to be. Snuggled into the arms of a man who loved him, who thought the world of him and accepted his flaws as part of being human, not a weakness. Some of the memories of waking up with the boys gone, of the house only having him and Mark and Brad in it, weren't good ones, even if breakfast had been waiting.

"I hope our mornings are always like this," he said softly. "Even when we're old, when making love is something we used to do when we were younger, I hope our mornings feel like this. Happy."

"I know I'm about to sound like a Care Bear," Ryan said as he dared to open his eyes, his body and breathing finally calmed down from moments ago, "but no matter how old we get, there's always ways to show love to each other." He twisted onto his side, propping myself up on his elbow as he faced Jason. "Even twenty years from now, I think our mornings will be happy. And full of bran muffins and heart healthy oatmeal." He leaned down, placing a slow kiss to Jason's lips. He felt his lover's hand caress the side of his face and his scruffy jawline - the light touch he knew by heart. Jason was a lot of things, but heavy handed wasn't one of them. During sex or after sex cuddling, while they were walking together through a park or across the street to their favorite deli, Jason's touch was soft and freely given.

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