Floor Sex

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Chester stepped back and looked at the black fluffy rug he'd just spread out over the center of the bedroom in the new apartment. It wasn't his. Well, it used to not be. The dark shag rug was a parting gift from Noah, the redhead shoving it into Chester's car before he could leave. Noah had gotten to Amir's just in time to see Chester carrying the last of his stuff out when he'd excitedly exclaimed that he was going to miss being roomies with Chester and he had something for him.

Chester cocked his head. The hairy rug wasn't his favorite, but maybe it would be nice under the bed they didn't have yet. Tomorrow they would go pick that out, along with the rest of their new furniture, but for tonight, all they had was the thick rug that was actually soft under Chester's bare feet. It will be good. Cold floors on your feet aren't the nicest thing in the mornings either, so cool. I hope Mike likes it. I just couldn't tell Noah no. I'm such a fucking pushover.

He looked up, his attention hitting the wall in front of him. That would be the wall they hung The Beach on. The wall their future headboard would rest against. The wall they would paint black, just for Mike. Maybe the raven colored rug was going to match afterall. And it does look kinda trendy against these dark floors. We're moving up in the world.

He turned and headed for the boxes that were stacked against the opposite wall as he checked the time. It was getting late, and already their bedroom was starting to dim. That meant two things: Mike should be showing up soon with his stuff and Cheese, and it would be time to eat. Chester smirked as he dug through the top box, looking for anything he could unpack, even though there was no furniture in the bedroom yet. His clothes would be their own project and he knew he didn't have time for that now. He already ordered Chinese, and it would be showing up any minute. And the kitchen's done. All our dishes look kickass on the open shelving. I love it. I love that I have a real kitchen again.

He abandoned the first box. Everything in it needed a stand or bookcase to be worth unpacking. He started on the next one, and the first thing he saw was a set of white and black marble candles. His eyes narrowed as he pulled them out and looked them over. They were huge and heavy and a little drippy on the sides from where they'd been burned before. There were three of them, each with their own protective ring around the bottom so the hot wax wouldn't melt onto the counter or table or wherever you put them.

Or the floor.

Chester turned and looked back down at the rug. It was really all they had. There was no table and chairs, no couch to sit on. The black rug from Noah was the softest surface in the apartment and Chester quickly realized that maybe that was a better plan than standing in the kitchen to eat their dinner before they started organizing clothes and bathroom stuff.

It was a small leap from that to the next: a candlelight dinner.

It wasn't going to be perfect. They would be sitting on the floor in an empty apartment, but the room was getting dark, which meant Chester could light candles and place them around the rug. They could sit in their new bedroom and have dinner. Our sex dungeon.

His eyebrow raised as a warm feeling fluttered over his stomach. Maybe unpacking could wait until morning. Maybe it would be more fun to have dinner and then roll around naked on the soft rug together by candlelight.

Chester dove back into the box and sure enough he found the lighter that went with his candles he hadn't seen or used since....Since before Mike. These used to be my sexy mood candles when I'd bring hot dates home. He rolled his eyes at himself as he walked the set of three around the room, spacing them apart. It's time to give them a new job. No more random guys. Just me and Sexy Boy. He grinned as he went, before stepping back and looking at his work.

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