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Mike sent his hand over Chester's stomach again. He could feel the baby kicking, and even though there was a part of him that thought he should find it weird that she was kicking right now, he still enjoyed it. It wasn't weird to him. Ellie always seemed to get feisty when Chester's emotions ran high. When he was upset, or excited - when his heart rate spiked. A smirk followed that thought. Of course his heart rate was high right now.

He slid his hand down to stroke Chester's cock as he thrust slowly in and out, taking his time. They'd just gotten started, and Mike was in no hurry to rush things. He wanted to make Chester feel good. Carrying his baby was hard work, and Mike wanted to give back.

"Fuck, babe, you feel so good," Mike whispered into Chester's ear, satisfied that he'd rendered his lover speechless when all he got in return was a whimper and a quiver of Chester's body under his hands. It was good not to be fighting. Mike hated upsetting the two of them. Chester's and Ellie's emotions seemed to feed off each other.

It was nice that his boyfriend's back didn't seem to be hurting, for once. Mike moved the hand that was holding Chester's hip, trailing up his back to feather over his shoulders, and then back down. He savored every stroke, leaning over to kiss Chester's skin softly, keeping the relaxed pace until Chester looked at him over his shoulder and suggested that Mike change places with him, and get on his back. Mike was all too happy to rearrange, to watch Chester plant his knees on either side of his hips and sink down. He didn't want to admit how sexy he thought Chester was, pregnant and riding his cock. There was a tickle in the back of his mind, a small thought that wondered why he thought Chester's pregnant body was so hot, but he didn't let it linger.

Mike held still until Chester got comfortable, and then he had both hands on Chester's hips, helping. From underneath he could only move in small thrusts, but the way Chester's eyes closed, the way his head went back, told Mike that bit of motion was enough. He knew his lover well. It wouldn't be long until he came, leaving cum on Mike's chest. Mike secretly liked that, too. He gripped Chester's hips a little tighter and moaned with him.

At first, Chester thought it was Ellie moving around that brought him out of his heavy sleep. She could be active at night sometimes, and he'd come to expect it from her. But as soon as he was awake enough to be aware, he realized it wasn't Ellie.

Chester turned his head, trying to see through the dark room as Mike pressed up against him from behind. Mike's grip on his hip was tight, and the thrusts from Mike's pelvis were steady and strong. Chester let out a breath as he waited. This was the third time he'd been woken up in the middle of the night by Mike humping him in his sleep. The first time it was exciting. Thrilling. But this was three times in just a few weeks and Chester wasn't sure what to think of it now. Should I tell him? I need to tell him.

He waited another few seconds, hoping Mike would come to a stop on his own, like he had the other two times it had happened. But tonight it wasn't stopping. Chester shifted, his hand protectively going over his belly as he tried to scoot away, but Mike's hand on his hip went tighter. "Mike," Chester finally called as he struggled to sit up. "Hey," he said as he pulled away and tossed the blanket off to shake his lover awake. "Mike, hey, wake up."

It didn't seem right for Chester to lean over and start shaking him in the middle of their lovemaking, and Mike's face twisted into a frown as Chester kept on, and then simply faded away. He realized Chester was leaning over him, shaking him, but it was dark, and they were not in the middle of the sex he was really enjoying. Mike rubbed his eyes with his fist. "What's wrong?" He was about to sit up, and realized his dick was hard in his pajama pants. Instead he lifted one knee, making a little tent around him. "You okay?"

"I'm okay," Chester answered. He couldn't quite see Mike's face through the shadowed bedroom, and he had to figure maybe that was okay for the conversation they were about to have. "You woke me up," he said, one hand rubbing over his baby belly. "You...you were humping me."

Devil's FateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora