holy shit mfs

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I ran out of the room, careful to not make a sound. I rushed through the castle, my invisibility spell wearing off as I neared the common room.

 My heartbeat raced and my mind flooded with uncontrollable thoughts. 

How in the hell did Sirius Black fall for me? Why was it always me? Not Narcissa, not Marlene, not Lily?

Somehow it was always me.

I muttered the password and ran to my dorm, slamming it behind me.

Lily and Marlene were in the room, talking about god-knows-what and I tried to catch my breath.

They turned to look at me, their faces becoming worried as they took in the state I was in. They both stood up, and Lily stepped forward, asking if I was okay.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. What do you do when an arch-nemesis declares to his friend that he loves me and I overhear it? How am I supposed to deal with that when I'm dating his godamn brother? I don't want this I don't want to choose!"

Lily put her hand on my back, guiding me to the bed, making me sit down. She sat next to me and made me rewind what happened. They both looked so confused. Of course, they'd be confused. 

"Start from the beginning. What in the fuck name happened?" Marlene said, chewing her iconic strawberry Twizzlers.

"In Potions class, after I told Lily that Regulus and I kissed, Siri-"

"WHAT? You kissed, and you didn't tell me?" I rolled my eyes before death staring at her.

"She looked at me then apologized and asked me to continue.

"Sirius stormed out the room and I wondered what the hell happened to him. Then after the lesson, James didn't go to class, he went somewhere else, and I followed him. He went to the Room of Requirement and I saw Sirius on the floor. Then Sirius fucking confessed his feelings for me to James and I ran out and now we are here." 

"Wow. Sirius likes you?" Marlene said, her face a smirk.

"I know. I need to talk to him about it"

Lily looked at me, her face full of worry.

"But your dating Regulus. What are you going to say to Sirius?"

"Okay. A) Me and Reg aren't dating, we just kissed. B) I don't know how I feel, because before I found out that Sirius liked me I saw him as the guy that I hate. But now, it's like, I see him as a person I could've been happy with if I just let it work out. Oh, but I don't know who to pick. Sirius or Regulus?"

"I'm afraid we can't answer that Lyssa. You need to figure that out yourself." Lily said and I groaned.

I left the room to talk to Regulus. If I were going to choose him, I would need him to talk to me about it.

As I left the Gryffindor common room I looked to my right and there he was. Sulky, his face red he sat there talking to James. He leaned on the corridor wall and sat on the floor, with James next to him looked as though he were a lost puppy. I sighed as I looked over, would I pick him?

He looked up, making eye contact with me. I couldn't talk to him. Not right now. I looked away and began to walk. I walked down the hall turning away from him. I needed to find Regu-.

Nevermind. Guess he didn't want me.

I saw him, right in front of me, kissing Anastasia Malfoy. Of course, it would be her. He had been going on about the great Anastasia for weeks. No wonder he had gone for her. He didn't like me. At least, not in that way.

 But I was hurt.

He shouldn't have kissed me. And so I resulted to my Mikaelson ways.


I walked up to him and coughed loudly. He jumped from her, looking at me before apologizing profusely.

"Alice I am so so sorry." I put my hand up to stop him.

"When you aren't being a dick, come and talk to me." And then I did what a Mikaelson would do.

I walked up to Sirius and I could still feel Regulus's eyes on me as I turned away from him. I grabbed Sirius up from the ground and he looked at me confused.

Then I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. In front of everyone.

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