luv idk

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Sirius pov:

I left the room, in a fit of rage. My fists were clenched and I could practically taste the fury leaving my body.

 How could she go for my brother? That wasn't fair.

 Had I been too harsh? Maybe I had. 

But I guess I won't know. She's with Regulus. 

And I can't sabotage that. 

Alyssa POV:

I watched as Sirius left the room. He looked angry, but for what? I turned to James, a look of confusion across my face. 

"Whys your best friend in a hissy fit?" I asked, hoping he'd answer the question as a normal person would.

"The girl he likes has no clue he likes her. And she has a boyfriend," he said, whilst turning around to see his friend slam the door.

"Oh. Cool."

I was dumbfounded. 

 I turned around, facing front to see Mrs. McgGonagall telling Frank  Longbottom to stop dropping things.

However, that wasn't on my mind. The thing that was, was how the grey-eyed boy was so frustrated over one girl. One stupid girl. It was honestly funny.

Sirius Black, have somebody that didn't like him? Aside from me and Lily? That was a first. McGonagall's class wasn't the worst and it went by fairly quickly.

As Lily and I left the classroom, I could see James turn and take a right. He had Potions with me next, and the Potions classroom was to the left. Where was he going? 

I told Lily to save me a seat and went to follow him because of course, I had to.

I followed him and saw him head to the seventh floor. The only place he could be going to would be the Room of Requirement!

What would he be doing there?

I cloaked myself with a small cloaking spell I learned from Freya and followed him all the way up the stairs. 

He stopped, looking around to see whether anyone was following him. 

He muttered to the wall, 

"I need a place where Sirius is." 

Out of nowhere, a door appeared and he stepped in. Quickly, I ran in, being as quiet as I could and the door shut behind us.

And there he was. Sirius Black.

He sat on the floor, many ice cream tubs around him. James sat next to him and crossed his legs. 

"Why'd you storm out of class?"

Sirius looked up. I could see the red, puffy eyes he had. 

Had he been crying?

I kept to the corner, wanting to be as still as possible.

"Didn't you hear? She doesn't like me. Yay. No points for Sirius." the eldest Black said, sarcasm laced in this voice.

"Are you drunk?" James asked, with a disapproving tone.

"I may or may not have asked the Room to give me a teensy bit of alcohol. But I can totally walk straight. Watch."

James pulled him to the floor as he tried to stand up.

"No that's fine. You don't have to prove anything."

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room turned sad and I had no idea what to do.

Sirius had started crying, his arms wrapped around his knees, as they were held to his chest.

"How come she doesn't like me? Why is that whenever I want something, or whenever something good happens to me, it's ruined."

I couldn't help but feel guilty for him. He looked so sad over this one girl, but who was she?

"It's not your fault. Well, it kind of is. If we hadn't bulli-"

"Well, I feel bad about that now. I want to apologize properly but I can't. It's like, whenever I see her, I get so happy, I feel sick."

"So you decided to pick on her and make her life a living hell?" James asked.

"But you don't get it. You don't pick on Lily. I did pick on her."

"But why do you like her so much? What is so special about her?"

"She's gorgeous. She could make the prettiest person in the world look like nothing. The way her nose scrunched up at the bad parts in her book when she reads is adorable. Even though she changed this year, I can still see that she's exactly the same. She powerful, she's the daughter of a man who can make the whole world fall down on its knees to him. For god's sake James, it's Alyssa Mikaelson we're talking about. "

My mind went blank. He what? He likes me? 

As in, me?

"I'm sorry to add to your feelings mate but, you don't like her. You're in love, my dear friend."

Oh god. Just what I needed right now

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