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Alyssa Pov:

I woke up at four am, groaning as I stretched my arms. I looked around, to see all the girls in my dorm asleep, so I decided not to disturb them. I considered going back to bed but I couldn't fall back asleep, I was wide awake.

It was Friday, so classes started at 11 today. Don't ask me why, it was the thing for all the 5th and 6th years. I personally, was a fan of this new rule, I loved sleep. so why the fuck couldn't I go back to it. I wanted to sleep but noo I had to stay awake.

Stupid brain.

Deciding to come to the fact that I could no longer go back to sleep, I got up out of bed.

I was wearing some Cinderella pyjamas, they were blue and had the outline of her dancing with a prince. Sorry, the prince. I never really knew what was so special about the prince anyway. I bet you Cinderella could've done a million times better, if she knew that there were so many other men in the world. Poor her. She was stuck in a village with a minority, when really, there was a majority in the world she had not discovered.

Well at least that was my opinion. Cinderella was a fool. She chose the prince who didn't even know what she looked like. I mean, the spent the whole night dancing away and he couldn't remember what she looked like? What a dumbass. Cinderella chose the man, who had no clue what she looked like after spending hours with him, over her precious animals who cared about her. What a bitch.

Anyways, I had better things to do than to be sat in my bed worrying about was wrong with Cinderella.

So I got my ass out of bed and went downstairs. I didn't even realize that I wasn't alone until i sat down. And there he was.

Remus Fucking Lupin.

He was sat there reading a book, and I don't think he even noticed me. So, obviously like the idiot I was, I spoke up.

"Hello Remus." He jumped.

"OH SHI-" he almost swore. I raised my eyebrow. Never had I ever heard a swear word come out of the Remus Lupins mouth.

"Don't EVER do that again." he panted.

I chuckled and held my hands up in mock surrender.

"What are you down here for?" he said more calmly.

" I had a nightmare and I couldn't go back to sleep." I mumbled, before adding on,

"What about you?"

"Same." I looked up from my lap and saw him with an expression on his face that I couldn't decipher, and I wasn't going to anyways. Too much work.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked politely. I shook my head.

How the hell was I going to say 'oh its nothing I just had a dream I was being hunted by Sirius Black and then he killed me'

"I'd prefer it if we just enjoyed the silence. I don't get much of that these days." He nodded before saying,

"Before we both agree to that can I ask you something?"

I already knew what he was going to ask. But I let him anyway.

But never did I know, that I was going to be sobbing my heart out to Remus Lupin that night.

A/N okay hello hi ,i have nothing to say except vote. i have had a lot of coffee and im out of it. im very tired and idk why bc i thought coffee made you not tired and supposedly WOKE you up like WoAH. anyways hope ya like it


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