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The next morning went without a blur. The events of last night weren't even there to me anymore. Sure I was on good terms with Remus but the others?

They can go rot in hell.

Lily was confused as to why I was acting like this. She tried to ask me but I kept shitting her down. I didn't mean to make her upset. I just wasn't in the mood to talk.

And that's what led to an argument. A short one. But I knew we were going to say sorry in a couple of hours. Weren't we? I hoped so.

Potions was dreadfully long.

I sat in the second to last row in the back of the class, my hair up and just taking notes before three of the marauders came rushing in, their clothed splashed with paint.

Professor Slughorn sighed and told them to sit down. Unfortunately, the only seats left were two behind me and one next to me.

I certainly wasn't going to have James or Sirius next to me. So I whispered to Remus and made him sit next to me.

He sat down next to me whilst James and Sirius sat behind me.

"Are you okay from yesterday?" He asked politely. I nodded then continued back to my work.

I was doing my work in complete focus till a paper ball landed on my table. And surprise, surprise. Guess from who?

If you guessed Sirius and James you are correct. I gave it to Remus and bluntly said,

"Your friends wants you to read this I think. " Sirius then chimed in,

"No it's for you. "

I sighed then opened up the paper.

We're sorry.

I turned round and they had hopeful eyes thinking I was going to forgive them that easily.

No. I wasn't.

I tore up the paper. Right in front of their eyes. When I stopped I placed it neatly on their desk and turned back round but not before saying to Remus

"I hate your friends. "

He chuckled.

The rest of the day went by quickly I guess. But before I could sleep I still had to apologize to Lily.

So I walked into the room and saw only her. By herself. Phew.

She looked at me then rolled her eyes.

I walked up to her and hugged her.

"I'm sorry. " I said solemnly. She sighed then put her arms round me.

"I'm sorry too. " We stayed like that until Marlene came in looked highly amused.

"If this is going to turn into sex can I be in it. "

Let's just say Marlene has a head injury from Lily now.

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