bloody hell

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Woah I cannot believe how many reads I've gotten that's crazy. Thank you guys so so much  i love you all.

Alyssa pov

I woke up to Lily whacking me on the arm.

"Get up. It's dinner time. "

Sitting up, I could see Marlene and Alice sat in the corner and Dorcas sleeping.

Before I even got out of the blanket Marlene smirked at me as if she knew something.

"What?" I asked suspicious of what she was so happy about. It was kind of putting me off wanting to eat. And let me tell you, I loved my food.

"A little birdie told me Regulus of all people gave you a book. " She said as if it meant anything. I looked at Lily who immediately turned away from me.

"Lily! Really? " She shrugged me off and said,

"You love him. He loves you. Get with him. "

"Again, he's my friend, I doesn't mean anything. he only got me a blooming book. "

Lily rolled her eyes. Then Alice decided to stick up for me. Or so I thought.

"Guys leave her alone. " She said. I thanked her but then she went on to say,

"It's obvious she's denying her feelings for the boy. " I pushed her and she giggled.

"You're all lame. I'm leaving. " I said before getting up and putting on my shoes.

"To see Regulus? "

"No. I want food. You guys make me uncomfortable. " Marlene cackled at me and threw her chocolate frog at my face.

"No babies! I'm too young to be a godmother."


I left the room and made my way down stairs.

There was nobody there except... Sirius. Of all people from Gryffindor. Him.

Why god why? I didn't even want to see him. Just the mere presence of him made me want to gag.

"Hey." He said to me wanting to strike up a conversation.

"Don't talk to me. " I bluntly replied.

"Listen I'm really sorry. It was a prank at first but only because I was pissed at you for punching me in the hall. We called off the prank as soon as we made up but then word got round and you found out. We tried to make sure that you never found out but you did. "

"If you think for one second that I accept that crappy apology then you are wrong, Black. You spent six goddamn years throwing whatever spell you could at me and you think that after all of that I'm going to accept whatever stupid apology that was. "

"We tried to make sure you never got to know about the prank. "

"And you expect me to think 'oh what good friends. I shouldn't be mad at the people who hurt me over and over again then said they wanted to be friends with little old me'. Well then welcome to reality! "

By this point, Lily, Marlene and Alice had come down. And so had James, Remus, Hope and Peter.

"It's not my fault you just can't accept when someone says sorry! "

"I've accepted your so-called apologies twice! Two fucking times! I let you become my friend and you decide to betray that trust! "

"That was before we became friends and we called off the prank as soon as bloody possible! "

"Well why even think of such a stupid prank in the first place! "

"I don't know maybe because you hit me in the face? "

"You hit me first! This is childish, you are such a childish person! You and James have hurt so many people then think you guys are god sends! But you aren't."

" I know I'm not perfect. But neither are you! And why bring James into this? He has nothing to do with this. "

"He everything to do with this! You both have bullied so many people and go around acting like some kings when you know yourself that there are tons of people, maybe even half of Hogwarts that you have bullied. And for what? What a- a prank! Well haha that was so funny I forgot to laugh. "

" Okay Alyssa maybe it's time to calm down now. " Remus said while stepping forwards to me.

"No! No I am not going to calm down! He's your friend and so is James. What you don't think you should be talked some sense into them by telling them how many people they have hurt? No? Well then that makes you just as bad as them! "

"I have done nothing. " He said as a futile attempt to stick up for himself.

"Which is exactly the problem! You stand by, while they bully others and that makes them think it's okay to bully other people! But it's not! "

Sirius came closer and then decided to speak.

"I said sorry. So did James, Peter, Hope and Remus. Why can't you just accept it? What do you want some grand gesture? "

"YES! After everything you guys did of course I do! When I first got picked on I thought it was a joke and then it turned into the whole of Hogwarts hating me for something that never even existed. All I wanted was to have friend that weren't Marlene or Alice or Lily. But you made it impossible! You and your stupid clique."

"I'm sorry. "

"Yeah well sorry doesn't cut it. Not this time. You make me sick. You could've just made friends with everyone but no, you had to bully people who were innocent and did nothing wrong whatsoever. Shame on you. "

James spoke up.

"Lyssa I am so so sorry. We didn't know we were hurting you. I can't speak for them but I am so sorry. I realize I hurt you and that was stupid of me to do so I apologize for everything I have done."

"It's fine. It's not you I wanted the apology from anyways. You hardly did anything. I'm leaving. " I looked at Sirius and sent him a glare.

Sirius took a step.

"No stay away from me. I've heard enough from you. "

I left the room, tears dropping down my face. Lily and Marlene came after me while Alice looked at Sirius in disbelief.

"I had hope for you two. " She said to him with a disappointed tone before disappearing up the stairs.

Whatt he hell did she mean? I turned the corner from the bottom stairwell and was going to the Great Hall but then I bumped into someone.

Thank god he was here.

I needed someone to talk to.

And that's all for today lovely people. I'm very thankful for all the support and I love you guys so much. Thank you!

1108 words.

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