chapter idk

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I have just been re-reading over this from the beginning and ew, yall actually like this? cringe tbh. but it's fine.i would like to thank you guys so fricking much for all the support i love yall

Alyssa POV

I sat down in the common room, pulling out my book and just sitting there, reading. It was quiet and calming, and that was how I liked it to be.

Nobody was around except a few others. There were probably only around six or seven people. But my happiness of peace was interrupted by my loud best friend.

Lily rushed into the room from upstairs, from the boys' dormitories, breathless.

"I may or may have not slapped someone," she said regretfully, her face tinted a bright red.

 I laughed. Lily? Of all people? 

"You? Slapped someone? Who?" I said in between fits of laughter. That poor person. What did they do?

She looked down and muttered out an oh-so-familiar name,

"James Potter.".

Well, then he deserved it. Good for Lily.

I chuckled before saying

" Oh god, not the future husband. " 

She whacked me on my arm and then sat next to me, putting her head in her hands. She looked so sad and embarrassed. But it was funny.

 I looked at her and said,

"You know you're very abusive?".

She groaned loudly. I decided to leave her be and continue reading. 

She then looked up, confused. She looked at me, then at my book, then back at me.

I raised my eyebrow and asked her what was wrong.

"Is that a... book? In your hands?" I rolled my eyes.

" What's the problem with that?" I asked suspiciously. 

She was being weird as if saying I didn't read. She was sort of right but it wasn't that weird that I was reading.. was it?

"Alyssa, I have known you for 6 years. In all that time, I have never seen you pick up a book that's not to do with school. You hate books!"

" I do not! I just never had the time for them." She looked at me then asked, with a small smirk on her face as if she knew who gave it to me. 

"Who gave you the book? Hogwarts doesn't have Jane Eyre in its collection."

"Regulus." She gasped before standing up and pointing at me dramatically.

" I KNEW IT! You like Regulus!" she said excitedly. Any part of embarrassment had left her demeanour and now she looked victorious with what she was saying. 

Remus then came down, Sirius and James by his side.  

"Wait. Who likes who?" Remus said confused.

I turned to Lily 

"Shut up, I do not like him." I then turned to Remus,

"Shut up, I'm still not talking to you, you didn't help me in potions." 

He shoved me playfully. I shoved him back then looked up only to see James and Sirius about 5 feet away, looking awkward.

They both gave a small wave to me, to which I rolled my eyes at them, making it clear I still hated them.

Why are they here? Lily looked weird too as if she too was uncomfortable with their presence. 

Remus was the only one who looked normal and comfortable. 

James and Sirius then sat down on the couch next to Remus. Lily and I sat opposite them, both of us hating the position we were in. After a few minutes of awkward silence, I picked up the book Reggie had given me, she fake-coughed and clearly said,

"You love him." I turned to her and shot her a nasty glare. It was full of hatred and spite and she giggled.

"Who the hell does she love?" Remus said exasperatedly.


" Nobody-" I said at the same time as Lily. Remus jumped up.

"You like Regulus?" He asked loudly. 

"Shut up, I think the whole of America heard that. And no, I don't like him. He's just my friend."

"So then why is Lil-"

"He gave me a book and then she started ranting on about how he loved me like a dumb idiot."


 I nodded.

Lily slapped him on the arm and said,

"What do you mean 'oh'?" 

He looked to me for help. I turned away, leaving him to suffer.

"Well, I am going to bed now. Goodnight and don't die." 


"Exactly." I turned around and headed upstairs. 

"Wake me up for dinner!" I yelled to her from the stairs. 

a/n well I actually think that most of this book so I may edit this but I really don't know. but anyways I love you all

744 words


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