Elizabeth chuckled, "How did you know that I don't do breakfast that often?" She asked. Leo smiled and shrugged – he didn't have to answer her. She was in a relationship with her – of course, he knew. Elizabeth chuckled and scratched the nape of her neck. She liked the fact that Leo knew so much about her. It has been a while since someone paid so much attention to her – not just because they have to but because they want to. "Right," she cleared her throat. There was an awkward silence between the two of them. Elizabeth didn't want to leave so early and Leo didn't want her to go but both were hesitant to express what they were feeling so after a long minute Elizabeth blew her cheeks out, "Alright then, I should leave." She pointed her thumb towards the door. She couldn't stalk any longer – if she could without looking like a desperate person – she would have done it.

Leo sunk his shoulder. He liked having her at his place. He always preferred living alone but since Elizabeth came into his life – living alone doesn't seem so appealing to him. He liked her company and he knows that as soon as she will leave – he is going to miss her and will feel alone. Leo didn't know if it was the right thing to think but he feels that Elizabeth had introduced him to loneliness. Before her, he to admire living and staying alone – but know it feels so suffocating. This woman has messed up with his head. Leo couldn't help himself but ask, "How are you going to go back to your hotel?" He asked. Elizabeth walked into the living room and grabbed her handbag from the couch. She turned to answer him, "Just as I came here – I will call an Uber," She replied.

Leo brought his eyebrows together and replied almost immediately, "No, you are not. Not this late at least," He glanced towards his wristwatch. Elizabeth snickered, "What am I supposed to do then? Not go home," she joked. In Leo's head – he was saying yes but he couldn't say that aloud so he smiled and shook his head, "I didn't say that." He replied. The smile on Elizabeth's face wore off for a mere second before she forced it again. What else was she expecting? Leo wasn't going to ask her to stay and nor will it be appropriate to stay at your ex's apartment no matter how much you want to stay. "I will drop you off," Leo added. Elizabeth looked at him and shook her head, "Oh no, you don't have to do that." She tried to reason with him but Leo didn't look like he was ready to take no for an answer, "Elizabeth, I didn't ask you – I was telling you. There is no way you are leaving this apartment to get in the car with a stranger." He said firmly and there was something in his voice that she couldn't argue with. She wanted to agree with him and she did. She wordlessly nodded her head. Leo looked at her for a second before he nodded, "Wait here. Let me get my car keys." He said before he walked away – leaving Elizabeth alone in the living room for a brief minute.

Leo and Elizabeth – both were completely silent as Leo drove Elizabeth home. Leo had a firm grip on the steering wheel as his eyes were on the road while Elizabeth looked out of the window. They haven't spoken any words to one another until Elizabeth cleared her throat and broke the silence, "Hey, do you want to get ice cream?" She asked. Leo glanced at her before he brought his eyebrows together, "Ice cream? Isn't it too cold for ice cream?" He asked. Elizabeth grinned, "Ice cream tastes better in cold weather." She replied. Leo chuckled to which Elizabeth changed her position and faced him, "Believe me when you eat ice cream, the shivers you get and the way your fingers turn cold and oh – the brain freeze." She was getting more excited with each word she uttered.

This was something Leo didn't get to see when he was in a relationship with her - it was something new for him and loved how excited she was getting about it. There was no way he could say no to her when she was that happy. "And what about the cold you can catch?" Leo asked. Elizabeth groaned, "God, you are such a doctor." She commented. Leo couldn't help but laugh – he was very cautious about everything – that is how he always has been. Leo shrugged, "Fine, let me get you some ice cream," He said when Elizabeth went silent. She sniggered, "Not just me – you will eat it with me." She pointed out. Leo doesn't enjoy ice cream – he isn't too fond of it but he couldn't bring himself to tell her that and wordless agreed to her. If she wanted him to eat ice cream then he will.

Elizabeth clapped her hands together, "Great! Oh, I have heard that there is this café near the place I used to work. They serve the best chocolate ice cream there," She stated. Leo knew that place – it was the same café where whenever they met – they ended up arguing with each other and one of them would always leave. He was about to suggest another place when Elizabeth spoke again, "But, it is too late – will they be even open at this time?" She asked before she looked out of the window and said, "Oh – even better – see, there is an ice cream parlor over there. Pullover!" she pointed towards a small ice cream parlor at the end of the block. Elizabeth didn't have to tell him twice – Leo parked his car right in front of the parlor and turned to look at Elizabeth who had a giant grin resting on her face. Leo chuckled to see how excited she looked. Leo unbuckled his seatbelt, "Which flavor would you like to have?" He asked as he was preparing to go out and get it for her. Elizabeth sniggered, "Buddy, I am coming with you." She said and unbuckled her seatbelt as well. Leo knew that there wasn't any point to argue with her so he nodded, "Alright but you will eat that ice cream in the car. It is too cold outside," He said.

Of course, Elizabeth didn't listen to him and stood outside the ice cream parlor as she ate her chocolate chip ice cream. Leo shook his head and tried one more time, "Elizabeth seriously, you will get sick. Let's go in the car and eat it there." He said. It was chilly out there – it had rained recently and everything was so moist and cold but Elizabeth was being stubborn. She shook her head, "I will be fine – you know I used to eat ice cream like this in London – during snowfalls. I will be fine. Don't worry." She waved her hand dismissively. Her eyes fell on Leo's untouched vanilla ice cream and asked, "Really Vanilla?" She asked. Leo looked at the ice cream cup he held in his hand and smiled, "What? It is my favorite flavor," He replied. Elizabeth chuckled and lightly shook her head while she scooped a spoonful of her ice cream and put it in her mouth. Her fingers were already freezing by holding the cup but yet she was enjoying it.

Leo looked at her, "Elizabeth, please – let's get into the car." He asked her politely. "You will catch a cold. This isn't okay," He added. Elizabeth sighed and looked at Leo – she knew that he wasn't going to let it go so she blew her cheeks out, "Alright, fine. Let's get in the car." She said. Leo smiled softly and didn't wait any longer to open the door for her. With a long face, Elizabeth gets in the car and looked at Leo getting in the driver's seat. As soon as Leo got in – he noticed that Elizabeth was shivering. "Elizabeth, you are shivering." He said with his voice filled with concern. Leo increased the heat as Elizabeth chuckled, "Yeah that is the fun." She said and ate the rest of her ice cream. Leo looked at her and shook his head – it was impossible to win from her. He didn't argue with her anymore and quickly ate his ice cream before he drove her back to her hotel. It was funny for Leo how an awful day ended up on a good note for him.

The next morning, Leo woke up fresh. Although he slept late at night but yet – he woke up fresh and ready for the day. Although he was really happy – there was a part of his concern for Elizabeth. She was being very reckless last night – he wanted to make sure that sure was alright so he left her a message asking how she was doing. 'Hey, Elizabeth. It's Leo. I just wanted to make sure that you are okay?' he wrote in a text before he went to take a shower. It didn't take him long to shower and brush his teeth – he wasn't going to shave so it saved him the time. He got out with the towel wrapped around his waist. Last night flashed through his mind and it made him smile – he couldn't believe that he got to spend such valuable time with Elizabeth.

He was changing into his shirt and jeans when his cellphone buzzed. He immediately looked at it to see that it was a text message from Elizabeth. He smiled and opened it. 'Fine, you were right. I caught a cold. I hate it. I swear it never happened before.' The message said. Leo sighed and sat on the bed – he wasn't surprised. He wanted to tell her that he said so but he didn't want to make her feel bad. He twisted his mouth and replied, 'Would you like me to bring you some ice cream?' He joked. He soon got a reply from her, 'Shut up.' Her short reply made him laugh. He sighed – only if she listened to him but then again – she is Elizabeth – she never listens to anyone. 

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