Chapter 54: Think About Me, Not Them

Start from the beginning

"It's my father..."

"Your father?" Lauren frowned.

"Yes, he's like a father to you, then you must be like a daughter to her?"

"..." Lauren knew he cared about her but she never expected more than that. Lauren always thought that Mr. Cabello was just being good to her as she had saved him once, and he was just being himself helping the helpless ones as he always did.

"Why do you look so surprised? Isn't it true?"

"Yea... he helped me and provided me everything... he's. Like a father to me, but I am not sure he saw me that way... like her daughter..." Camila looked at Lauren, "not that I complaint... I am grateful for everything he had given me, I could not ask for more."

"Why... it's because he did not bring you home or invite you to any of the company events that took place here?" Camila never saw or heard about Lauren until the will reading day and the day she joined the company. Camila was shy but her father always wanted her presence at the events taking place at their mansion. Her father would have a party or event at their mansion and invited his good friends and trusted people from the company, but she never saw Lauren. She was confused and wondered why Lauren was in his will as a trusted person but she was never invited.

"... yea, but I understand," Lauren said.

"My mother?"

"That's what I know... but how do you know?" Lauren tensed. "Did your father tell you or your mother?" Probably, Mrs. Cabello had her real reason to dislike her.

"No, they never mentioned you. It's Ally who told me that my mother did not agree that my father wanted to adopt you and bring you home, but she agreed that he supported you." Camila herself was still confused about this.

"Oh..." Lauren was sad but she did not question it. It was not that she wanted to claim a spot or being acknowledged. She just felt excluded. "He never mentioned about me... so you never heard about me before?"

"No... the first time I came to your name was the will reading day..."

"I'm mentioned in your father's will?" Lauren was surprised.

"Yes..." Camila smiled at her.

"Is it in a good way?" Lauren chuckled. She was less sad.

"Secret..." Camila teased her.

Lauren pouted, "did he ask you to stay away from me?" Lauren's smile faded.

"Hey... no... it's the other way around..."

Lauren joked, "he asked you to marry me?" giving Camila her biggest smile.

Camila laughed. She bit her lip, "your wish..."

"You don't want to marry me!?" Lauren said it without thinking of it. She was surprised by herself.

Camila's smiling face turned into a serious face, "Do you want to?"

"Yea... Camz, I am serious with you. It means at some point I want to...if everything is going well. Don't you want us to get married?"

Camila laughed. She was taken aback and nervous a well, "you should take me out for more dates and properly propose to me first..."

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