"As in Hell?." I hesitantly asked.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about saying the name of the realm." She smiled. "And yes, it's Hel."

"Is it hell in Hell?" I asked.

"You're funny." She lightly shoved my shoulder. "And it's otherworldly pleasure, so more like heaven in Hell." I gulped at her words. "You are really not what I would expect from Lara's spawn." I nodded since I got that a lot. "I expected someone more heartless and someone with a Casanova complex." She shrugged. "You're a surprise." She sipped her wine.

"You know my maman?" She smirked and nodded. "How do you- oh, please don't say it's because-" I groaned when she began laughing.

"Yes, I've fucked your maman on countless occasions and I'd willingly do it again. She's a goddess with her fingers and-"

"BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! I DON'T HEAR YOU!" Kikimora shook her head in amusement. "Please, don't talk about-"

"And she used to lick up my clit while pumping-"

"Ahh! My ears don't need to hear that and I don't need a mental image-"

"I'm sure you don't have the correct image. Here let me."

She suddenly placed her hands on my head. I yelled when she forced me to see images of her and my maman naked, in bed. Why was she showing me what they would do to each other?! I was ripped from the images by the door being thrown open. I turned to see my angry maman.

"Lar-" Kikimora was cut off by my maman pinning her to the wall.

"Kidnapping my daughter?!" She bared her fangs. "This'll be the end of you." Kikimora only laughed at my maman's threat.

"Really, Lara? You honestly expect me to be fearful- AHH!" She screamed when my maman violently bit her.

"Maman! Stop!" I freed Kikimora from her. "She didn't hurt me. We only talked and-"

"She was going to devour your soul." My maman's eyes narrowed at a laughing Kikimora. WHAT?! "And I'll kill her before she doesn't that." She made a step forward, so I sped in front of her.

"It's true, Zena." I turned to Kikimora. "I wanted to consume your soul." My eyes widened. "But your maman interrupted the intimate moment." She laughed. "How'd you get through my security?" She stood up.

"Me." I saw my mum enter the room. "You're dead." She flashed her yellow eyes and fangs at Kikimora.

"We'll see about that." Kikimora smirked and stared at my parents.

I watched as my parents crumbled in pain. What'd she do to them? I placed my hands on my mum. I cried out as I absorbed her pain. I could feel the poison coursing through my mum's veins. I glanced at my maman and saw that she was in an even worse condition. What was Kikimora doing to them?! My mum screamed out and gripped my hand for comfort.

Kikimora only smiled and slowly approached me. My eyes widened when she wrapped a hand around my throat. My maman tried to grab hold of me, but Kikimora increased the pain level. My maman grabbed her chest as the dark grey veins began to appear on her neck. Kikimora pinned me to the wall and showed me her demon eyes. She then opened her mouth and placed her lips on mine.

I then began to feel my entire being fade away. I felt my body weaken as she consumed my soul. I saw Nyx and Ken be shoved inside. They were scratched with countless cuts along their body. Ken looked like she was barely holding on while Nyx was trying to give Ken her energy. We're going to all die here!

"GET YOUR LIPS OFF MY GIRL!" I then saw a metal pipe smash against Kikimora's head. Kikimora crumbled to the ground in pain. I slumped down, but was caught in strong arms. I smiled at Acacia. "Are you alright?"

"Better now." I weakly commented.

The pain began to lessen in my parents. Kikimora stood up and glared at us. She held her bleeding head while causing my maman to feel a fiery pain in her blood. I think she was making my maman's blood boil. My mum tried to rush Kikimora, but she used her telekinetic abilities to fling my mum backwards. She then turned to stare at an unsuspecting Acacia.

I quickly placed Acacia behind me and absorbed the pain that was directed at my mate. I fell to the ground, but I refused for Acacia to receive any pain. I called forth Sloane and Kimbra. I know my eyes were black with yellow irises and red pupils. I growled a warning to Kikimora, but it only seemed to excite her more. I ignored the pain and slowly stood up.

I flashed my claws and dared Kikimora to continue. She smirked and beckoned me to approach her. I then sped to her, but she dodged my attack. I then used magic to propel her through the wall. I ran after her and jumped through the whole. She caught me and flung me down, but I kicked her legs out. I jumped on top of her and bit into her neck. She cried out in pain when I ripped the flesh off her neck.

Kikimora punched me in the face and then kicked me off her. I flipped onto my feet and hissed at her. She smirked and used magic to fling me into the wall, but I used my magic to begin suffocating her. She began scratching at her neck, so I allowed my fist to close, so her air supply would be cut off. She then forced me to feel a sickness wreck my body. I dropped her and forced my magic to expel the disease from my body.

Kikimora formed a ball of energy in her hand and blasted it at me. I matched her spell and fired a green energy beam to counter her black beam. We were at a stale mate since neither of us could overpower the other. I used my magic to crash a fireplace against her head. Kikimora stumbled back and then began firing fireballs, iceblasts, electricity, and energy blasts at me. I easily deflected them and forced Kikimora to kneel before me.

She reached out and grabbed my throat. I growled and broke her hand. She hissed and began to absorb my energy. I felt weak and fell to my knees. I held her hollow gaze and grabbed onto her neck. I buried my face into her neck and began to drink her blood. Kikimora groaned and tried to shove me off, but I refused to release her. She then resorted to consuming my aura. We were both weakening. Me from the energy loss and her from blood loss. I soon fell on top of her and kept drinking her blood even though my body begged for me to give out. I could see Kikimora was also struggling to keep her eyes open.

We then simultaneously stopped and became limp. I was breathing heavily into Kikimora's neck while she was struggling to breathe since I was on top of her. She turned to stare at me. I didn't break her intense gaze. Well, I didn't plan on breaking it, but I was really tired. Kikimora was also exhausted since we both blacked out.

And I present Kikimora, our bone-chilling devil. Any thoughts on her so far? You'll be seeing a lot more scenes with her

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