"Where ya goin?" Mel snacked on some breadsticks.

"An amusement park with Xav, Inara, and a few others." I smiled at my friends. "I'll call you guys later!" I waved bye to them and ran past Hailey.

I ran outside and jumped into Xav's arms. Inara and Jordan laughed while Xav repositioned me, so she could carry me better. Cam and Lizzie began teasing Xav and me about a scandalous romance. Xav and I decided to play along to the teasing. I kissed her cheek and allowed her to hold my hand. Inara was thrown over Jordan's shoulder while Cam offered Lizzie a piggyback ride. We laughed and walked to the park.

I was practically hypnotized by the blinding lights. We yelled and ran to the nearest ride. Xav and I sat next to each other on the roller coaster. We kept bouncing into each other. We screamed at the big drop. Jordan swung his arm over my shoulder when we got off the ride. I wrapped my arms around his abdomen and kept walking.

Inara jumped up and down. She excitedly pointed to the swings. We shrugged and sat on the swings. I sat next to Cam in the double seat. Xav sat in a single chair next to me. Xav smiled and held my hand while we were spun in the air. I chuckled and rested my head on Cam's shoulder. I can't tell the last time I've had carefree fun like this.

We passed a carnival game, so Lizzie and Inara stopped. They then challenged each other to win a prize. Xav subtly tugged on my arm and dragged me to the lover's swan ride. I quirked a brow and motioned for her to go with Jordan. She rolled her eyes and said she wouldn't be doing something this cheesy with him. I giggled and tugged her into the swan boat.

I shook my head in amusement. The cheesiness of this ride was real. They were playing romantic music while having paintings of cartoon animals kissing. Xav and I spent the entire ride roasting it. I now understood why she didn't get Jordan to join her. There's no way they would be able to take this thing seriously. We were approaching the end, so a camera was set up for people to kiss. When we got close to the camera, Xav kissed my cheek. I smiled for the picture.

We got off the ride and went to see our picture. We laughed at it and I decided to buy it for memories. Xav grabbed my hand and pulled me back to where we had left the others. Inara and Lizzie were still failing at the game while the boys were playing basketball hoops. I sensed two sets of anger, so I turned and saw Acacia and her squad glaring at me. I then turned and saw Naomi and her squad giving me daggers. They seemed to notice the other, so they turned and glared at each other. I gulped and accidentally backed into Cam. He laughed and steadied me.

"Want a piggyback ride?" He whispered in my ear.


"Jordan and I are gonna do a piggyback race. He's taking Inara, so want to race them?" I smirked and nodded.

He squatted down and allowed me to jump on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at my fuming mates. They really need to control their jealousy. Cam is honestly just a friend, nothing more. Inara's taunting brought me back to the matter at hand. Right before Xav told us to run, Inara shoved me. We stumbled a little, giving Jordan and Inara a headstart.

"Go Cam!" He ran after his cousin.

Cam managed to catch up to Jordan. Inara and I laughed as we tried to shove each other. The boys were quickly approaching Lizzie, who was the finish line. Jordan cheated and cut in front of us, so he won the competition. Cam and I sulked while Jordan and Inara jumped up in victory. Jordan picked Inara up and spun her around.

"Cheaters!" Cam and I laughed. "We put up a good fight." I smiled at Cam.

"We sure did, so let's have our own celebration." I squealed when he placed me on his shoulders. I laughed and used his head as a support.

"Who knew Cam had game?" We turned to see Harley with her arms crossed.

"Well, he did lose the game, so..." Mads smirked while I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you hang with us?" Naomi spoke up.

"Because she'd rather hang with us." Acacia answered for me. "So shoo fly."

"Disappear, Acacia." Naomi dismissed her.

"Why don't you allow the ground to swallow you up... it'll be a faster way to Hel for you." She taunted Naomi.

"I expect nothing less from a Grey elf." Acacia narrowed her eyes at Naomi. "It's in your nature to look down on others." She moved a strand of hair behind Acacia's ear. "Maybe you should start treating everyone as your equal." Naomi arched a brow.

"You're so full of yourself." Acacia shoved Naomi away. "I treat you the way you deserve, not because of your species." Acacia stated.

"Hard to believe when you treat every demon that way." Mads spoke up. "I think you have a thing against demons."

"She's friends with a demon, idiot." Nat stepped in front of Acacia. "Instead of attacking her family, why don't you take responsibility for your flawed characteristics?"

"Because Acacia doesn't deserve that respect." Harley shoved Nat into Tatia and Cara. "I don't understand how you can be friends with someone who grew up in a household that regarded wolves, vampires, and demons as scum beneath her shoe."

"Maybe because she doesn't think that way." Tatia swung at Harley, but Mads caught her hand and punched her in the face.

Cara immediately kicked Madison in the stomach and then elbowed Naomi in the face. Harley flung Cara into a stand, injuring the worker. Shit, they're out of control and are gonna draw attention. I tried to be the intermediary, but Naomi and Acacia accidentally hit me in the face. Ow!

I was about to yell at them, but I felt a coldness nearby. I turned in the direction of the shadows to see dozens of yellow eyes staring at me. I jumped, which didn't go unnoticed. I then pointed at the demons that flung themselves at us. I ducked under one and kicked another away from Inara.

Cam and Jordan ignited themselves on fire and ran after the demons. Cara's eyes glowed yellow and she used her claws to fight off the demons. Tatia's eyes glowed red and she sped after the demons. Harley and Mads' eyes darkened as they attacked the demons. Acacia had her sword drawn and she slashed at the demons in our wake.

Some demons attacked me, so I used my magic to disintegrate them or fling them away. I pushed Lizzie, Xav, and Inara behind me since they were helpless. Xav and Inara needed water nearby if they were to be effective. Lizzie, on the other hand, had no fighting experience. I was easily able to protect them. The demons that attacked us were low level since we easily disposed of them.

Acacia sheathed her sword and approached me. I chuckled when she looked me over for any injuries. I smiled and showed her I was unscathed. She wrapped her arms around me in relief. I hugged her back, but was confused why Naomi didn't bother checking on me. Wait, she isn't hurt, so she?! I removed myself from Acacia's arms and looked around, but I didn't find Naomi. Where'd she go?

"Where's Nat?!" Cara ran up to Acacia. "I saw some demons take Naomi and-"

"LET ME GO!" We looked in the direction of Nat kicking and screaming.

We immediately ran after her, but the demons shot up into the sky. I noticed that Naomi was also being carried by a demon. Nat and Naomi were both bound and gagged. I saw Harley and Mads shoot up into the sky, but more demons descended on us. Harley and Mads were tackled into the ground while Nat and Naomi were carried farther and farther from us. Naomi's eyes widened in fear.

"I promise I'll save you!" I shouted at Naomi. "I swear to you on my life."

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