8 <> Opposites Attract

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The headlights of my sedan shone on Alex's small yet welcoming abode. I parked it in the driveway, turning off the engine and pivoting to face her in my seat. She sighed, gathering her coat and purse before smiling softly up at me.

"Well, thanks for the ride," she chirped contentedly. Our eyes made contact, and I looked into them deeply, almost getting lost. Perfect, I'm turning into a romantic piece of shit. Composing myself before it got awkward, I cleared my throat and replied.

"You're welcome." Alex angled herself towards the door slightly, and I quickly spoke again to distract her from leaving. There was something I wanted to ask her, after all. "And thank you for the lead on Josh. It was solid," I verified, although she already knew that.

She leaned back in her seat again, and I silently cheered. "No problem, I had fun. Even if I'm working with a slightly disgruntled policeman," We both chuckled at that. But as our laughter died down, the slightest trace of a frown graced her features; what I had picked up on as a look of concentration. "You really think he killed Nate?" She posed the question with a trace of doubt in her voice. I shrugged. The kid was definitely a colossal nerd, and he didn't seem to have the mental - or physical - strength for that matter.

"I don't know," I answered sincerely. "I mean, either he's trying to play hero for Allegra, or he's got more sinister motives." Alex hummed in agreement. "But I do know one thing. I've been in this town for one week, and I've already got a homicide and a grand larceny investigation in my internship. It's like I never left Chicago."

Her eyes bore into mine, shining with sincerity and genuine interest in what I had to say. That was nice; something awfully hard to come by nowadays. "What was it like in Chicago? Anything interesting happen?" she queried.

I raised my eyebrows, tilting my head in concentration. "Well, let's see. At my old school someone shit in the theatre, a professor brought a gun, another had a physical fight with a student, and yet another hooked up with the janitor's underage daughter. Plus, I had a full agenda with an internship at the murder capital's P.D. resulting in no free time for myself. But other than that, it was a pretty nice place to grow up," I droned on all in one breath. Alex blinked at me with wide eyes for a few seconds before bursting into laughter again. I grinned, and we stayed like that for a good minute before calming down.

"I guess you left Chicago to get away from all of the crime, huh?" she hinted, gazing out of the windshield and up at the starry sky; one much more dazzling than the one in my hometown.

If only that were it. I went along with that. "Partially," I shrugged.

But, as I wisely assumed to be per usual, Alex didn't miss a beat. "Was the other part an ex-wife?" she coaxed, casting me a knowing glance.

I beamed at her. "That's not a wild guess, is it?"

Still giving me the same look, Alex began to explain. "The skin above your knuckle," she offered as her grand revelation.

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