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I finished writing down my notes as Alex - who was presently fretting over a classmate - answered my questions. She made some good points, but I wasn't exactly convinced. I capped my pen, and returned my gaze to her.

"Okay, and did you notify campus security?" I inquired. Since she was here, I was guessing that she didn't.

"I don't really think that campus security is equipped to handle a missing person's case," she replied. Thought so.

I raised my eyebrows. "Well, you're probably right," I noted. "You see, Alex, the problem is that I can't file a report until someone has been missing for twenty-four hours. You said she had a boyfriend?" Alex nodded. "And you tried to get in contact with him... My advice; try again. If she is still missing by five'oclock, call me," I offered, giving her my card.

She didn't seem too happy with my answer, but unfortunately there was nothing I could do.

"Right, I'll be sure to do that," she muttered. Alex exhaled - her breath coming out in a dry chuckle - before sitting up and pulling on her coat. "Thank you for your help, Detective Burns. I'll look into it."

She stood up, walking past the large replica of a Brenker P.D. badge, pushing open the glass door of the police station and marching out of it; all without so much as a glance back in my direction. I propped my chin up in my hand, contemplating her thoughts and behavior.

While most of Alex Walker remained a mystery, there were two things that I could see right off the bat:

One, she's smart. She's a genius, and not just one of those people that you say is a genius just because they make it onto the Dean's list or they are studying to be a professor. No, Alex was the real deal.

As for the second thing? Well, I can't explain it, but there's something there - call it instinct, call it gut feeling, call it whatever you want - but I somehow knew that Alex Walker was going to turn out being the most stubborn person that I had ever met.

I just knew it.



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