2 <> The Rue Morgue

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"So, to sum it up Professor Cox, you have a key code entry on every door, a state of the art alarm system, and cameras that record everything that goes on in here and then is fed to your private server," Gil paced around the science lab as he spoke, eyes squinted slightly in concentration.

"Just as I reported to your Captain, Detective," Professor Cox whined in her nasally voice. When will this end? She obviously doesn't want me here with Gil. Cox already hates me because of Leah, and the feeling is very mutual.

"Yeah? But you see, what bothers me is that here's no sign of a break-in," I droned. "And those cameras of yours didn't record anybody carrying anything out."

"And yet, there has been a theft," she insisted. I can't deal with this right now. I sighed and shot Gil a look. He grimaced.

"Of a plant," my mentor pointed out.

"We have been working for five years to genetically enhance crops that are resistant to climate change. One of our plants could potentially be worth millions of dollars on the open market.." Blah, blah, blah. She continued to rant about her oh-so-special plant, so I just tuned her out. Not exactly wonderful detective behavior - I know - but Gil had the interrogation covered and I was looking around for evidence of a theft, so I was technically doing my job.

I walked down the long rows of plants before stopping in front of a large hanging fern. Flicking one of the leaves, I examined the massive shrub. "Don't touch, Burns!" I heard her scold. I raised my hands above my head in surrender before returning to Gil's side.

"Okay, well I would like a list of everybody who has access to this lab. I'm gonna need names and numbers. But what I really want is the last two weeks of everything these cameras caught."


I cleared my throat. "Gil, I'm not so sure I understand. Why do you want the footage going back two weeks?"

"Because, if this thief is like most, then he or she cased the joint before they pulled it off. Now, I know that going over two weeks of camera footage isn't very glamorous, but someone's gotta do it," Gil shrugged, a small grin appearing on his face.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I would help, but I've got three papers to write this week alone," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Plus, I don't really want to," I mumbled.

"I remember those days. Getting that degree is like going through hell. You still want to become a detective after all that?" Gil raised an eyebrow at me.

I'm a student at Mountain Elm; and I'm getting my degree in criminal justice. A part of the program is an internship at the Brenker P.D. sometime during the course. Gil has been a homicide detective for four years, so he knows the ropes pretty well. I recently moved in from Chicago to be closer to Leah, along with some other reasons, so I am picking up where I left off here.

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