9 <> I'm A Little Teapot

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We were seated in one of the conference rooms at a rectangular table with a full pitcher and two water glasses. The area had no door, just as most rooms in the open-concept campus did. Instead, we were nestled into a spacious area with floor to ceiling windows and three comfortable chairs. We had both brought notebooks and pens, along with Tyler's profiles of all of the tenured C professors. Slipping on my reading glasses, I went through the list while Tyler prepared some of his questions.

"Alright, so you went with C's as both first and last names," I realized, tapping my pen in my hand.Tyler nodded without looking up. "Yeah I covered the bases, but just tenured professors."

I studied the list, unnecessarily double checking to make sure that he got everyone. He finished writing and listened as I read off names. "That covers Mark Campbell, Carol Boyd-" I paused for a moment, smiling and taking my glasses off. "Well, I've got to be honest with you, Professor Collis is innocent." I waved the mere idea of guilt off, and Tyler smiled at the gesture, leaning back. "I mean, that man is the sweetest person on the whole planet," I stressed cheerfully.

Tyler didn't look entirely convinced, but he considered my point. "Alright, but I've still got to cross my I's and dot my T's," he murmured, leaning in to be heard. I smirked at his joke but noted the truth in his words. We needed to ensure that we didn't overlook anything. If that meant questioning Professor Collis, then so be it. However, I still knew he was innocent.

Putting on my glasses again, I resumed. "Okay, next up is Professor Cox..." I trailed off, exchanging a glance with Tyler. He sucked in a breath, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't know about Cox." He hesitated for a minute, trying to put his thoughts into words. "It's just, I think it's- I think it's a little bit fishy that she's a part of two suspicious activities that have taken place on campus." He exhaled through his teeth. "I just- I don't like coincidences."

I tilted my head playfully. "Any coincidence is worth noticing. You can throw it away later if it's only a coincidence," I quoted. "Miss Marple," I clarified, pointing at him as I explained. Tyler nodded and began going through his copy of the list.

"Marple...Marple... Is she tenured?" he asked, searching for her name. I gave him a strange look, and his prolonged search confirmed that he wasn't kidding.

"You don't know Miss Marple?" I inquired, more than a little surprised.

Tyler didn't look up. "No, but we should talk to her," he suggested.

I laughed at him, receiving a very perplexed glance in the process. "You can't talk to her! She's only the most famous female fictional detective of all time," I exclaimed, making a sweeping gesture with my hands. Tyler had set down the papers and was now focused on me as I explained. "She said that about coincidences."

He rubbed his chin, mocking deep thought. "Well good. I'm glad that Miss Marple and I agree," he bantered.

"Mhm, I'm very glad." We both mocked professionalism until we locked eyes, forcing us to end the facade. Our stern expressions gave way to grins as we chortled. But our jest was interrupted when we were approached by a short, stout man.

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