7 <> All For Love

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I followed Alex, who seemed to be steaming with resentment for Josh. I knocked as loud as humanly possible on the solid oak door, just to get the message across. After a moment, I knocked again. Finally, the little prick answered. I ducked to the side, so when he peeked his snot faced little head around the door, he saw only Alex. That's right. You better be scared.

Yes. I'm mad. Your powers of deduction are as keen as ever.

Alex smiled wryly; realizing my deception, yet maintaining a facade. "Hi Josh. You remember me, Alex Walker?" she asked, her tone professional.

"Yes," Josh murmured, not moving from his defensive stance behind the door.

"Is Allegra here?" she prodded, trying to look inside.

Josh was thrown for a loop by her forwardness. He had no idea that he had been figured out. But before he could make up an excuse, his saving grace opened the door wide. A girl I presumed to be Allegra stepped up beside Josh; equal parts shocked and happy to see Alex.

"Alex?" she exclaimed, confused.

"Hi Allegra. Can we come in?"

"We?" Josh fired, suddenly very defensive.

That was my cue. I twirled around, resting my arm on the doorframe and leaning in towards Alex, my gaze riveted on him. "We need to talk."


"No... no... that's not... he can't be..." Allegra sobbed into Alex's shoulder, both of whom were seated on a worn leather couch, as she gently broke the news about Nate Hull to her. It was safe to say that she wasn't taking it well.

Looking for a way to relieve some of the awkward tension I was feeling, I looked around. The cabin was quite nice; beautiful wooden carvings in solid oak beams, charming overstuffed furniture, overflowing bookshelves, and even a sturdy stone fireplace. I was currently leaned up against that fireplace, watching Alex console Allegra.

I was also patiently waiting to ask her a few questions. Alex looked up at me, and I conveyed my desire with a raise of my eyebrows. She nodded at me before turning her head to the grief-stricken girl.

"I'm so sorry," she soothed, rubbing circles on her back with her hand. "Listen, the detective and I need to ask you some questions. Is that okay?"

Allegra nodded, sniffling. She used a tissue to wipe her eyes as I knelt down in front of her. "Hi Allegra. I'm sorry for your loss," I whispered timidly, pausing slightly. "When was the last time you saw Nate?"

Her red rimmed eyes squinted in concentration. She answered my question with a meek Saturday whispered underneath her breath.

Seeming to gain a little composure, she elaborated. "We were supposed to write a story together Sunday night, but he never showed," she quavered, fiddling with her tissue. "I called. I texted. Nothing." She turned her head towards Alex. "That's why I was so worried in class."

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