Chapter Twenty Six

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As the rest of the year went on things went by normally. I helped Cho get through Cedric's death, as well as seeing her start to like Harry.Me and Hermione had gotten closer and we would be spending the summer together. It came to be the last day of school and I was heading back to the Hogwarts express. I sat in the same compartment as Fred, George, and Zoe. It was just like my first day. The first time I rode the train. As all the memories came flooding back, I couldn't help but feel a little sad it was over. I knew I would be coming back next year, and so would Fred, but it wouldn't be the same. Not like the first year I had ever experienced. Luckily next year there wouldn't be a tournament, also meaning no ball.

Once the ride was over I hugged Fred for what seemed like hours but it was just a few minutes. I didnt want to let him go but I knew I'd see him within a few months.

"Write to me. Promise?" He asked while looking down at me.

"Yes Fred i promise ill try to write to you."

I couldnt see him at all this summer, which wasnt gonna be easy. I wasnt going to be home this summer but instead I'd be in Italy. We had some family there and we were visiting them for half the summer, and then either staying just to stay or coming back. I wasnt sure. I kissed Fred and said my goodbyes. Getting farther and farther away, my hand was slipping out of his.

I went over to my parents and Hermione and they hugged me and then after a minute or two we started walking towards the car. I looked back to see Fred for one last time. He looked back at the same time as me and we both mouthed "I love you" to each other and we got farther and farther away. I turned back once i could no longer see him and joined my parents in the conversation they were in. This leading to questions about to school year and i couldn't help but tear up a little. It all went by so fast but it also seemed like time stopped and i was there forever.


My bags were packed and i was ready to go. Hermione and I were leaving for Italy.I had only been out of Hogwarts for a few days. No letter from Fred yet, but its fine cause he is probably busy.


Once in Italy I grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote out a letter sending it out with my owl. It was to Fred just to tell him i had just arrived in Italy and was getting my stuff settled. I wasn't sure how long my stay would be but i was hoping it would go by fast. Here goes the summer.

a/n: THE END AHHH ITS BEEN A LONG JOURNEY BUT ITS OVER BUTTTTTT THE NEXT ELAINA BOOK WILL BE CALLED "tia amo" so that should be made sooner or later :) okokok byeeeeee 

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