Chapter Ten

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The week went by slow but it was finally over. I could finally be free and could do more than lay in bed and eat. It was a Saturday morning and I didnt sleep in. I was so tired of being in bed i got up at the crack of dawn and ran out of my dorm. Of course, nobody else was awake but i had to get Fred up. I hadnt seen him in so long it was killing me. Like all the joy had left my body. No pranks, no jokes, nothing. Just reading and work all week long. Once we had to go to his dorm to get stuff for a prank and i remember him saying the password.

"Balderdash," I said whispering when i stood outside the common room even tho nobody was around. Suddenly the door opened and i saw the great red themed room. There were people sleeping on the couch, so i walked as quietly as i could to the boy's dormitories. Once i got there i saw Fred. He was laying on his side under the blankets all cuddled up. It was freezing in here. He looked so peaceful, and something about him right now gave me butterflies. I went to leave but then i heard someone move.

"Hey.. what are you doing here?" I heard Fred say in his deeper than normal morning voice. I smiled and turned around.

"Well i came to wake you up but you looked so peaceful so i didnt want to bother you. But ill leave and let you sleep." I turned back around and started walking until i felt two hands grab my shoulders and turn me around.

"Well im awake now sooooo i have the perfect place for us to go." He took my hand and lead me up many flights of stairs until we came to a stop. "This is the right floor." I looked around and there was nothing here. Just a boring wall with a painting on it. A painting of fruit.

"And what exactly are we doing here?" i asked as he went over to the painting. He started to what looked like, tickle the pear. "What are you doing- WOAH" I didnt know what he was doing until the painting swung open and showed what looked to be the kitchen.

"I have been waiting all week to do this with you and FINALLY your better." He said while we walked into the kitchen. "And I wanted to ask you something." At that statement he looked down like he was hiding something.

"What is it? Is everything ok? Did something happen at home? Or here? Or..." I'd seen him like this before. Its like he was embarrassed or something. Like when i woke up in the hospital wing and he moved his hand.

"No no no, nothing's wrong I was just wondering if... well if you.."

"If so what? Come on, get it out." I teased.

"Well you missed the class, but this year we are having a ball, and i was wondering if you wanted to go together." He said looking hopeful.

Was i just asked to go to the ball? Something inside me was going crazy but i wasn't sure why. Like a feeling of excitement, but it was more than that. I couldn't explain it.

"Yes!! I'll go to the ball with you!" I looked up and smiled at him. He didn't know how happy this made me. After he asked me we went over to the pantry and took out whatever we saw and ate it. We sat there and we talked about what happened over the last week.

For me it was nothing and for him, he had pranked a few people with George but he claimed to be bored while George was always hanging out with Angelina. And I was on bed rest.

We left the kitchen and i went back to my dorm to get ready for the day. When i went to go to the great hall to meet everyone for breakfast, Dylan was right outside my door. I wasn't expecting him so he scared me.

"Hey!" he said as i jumped.

"God you scared me. But hey what's up?"

"I came to ask if you wanted to go to the ball with me." Great. At this moment i didn't know what to do. First he kissed me. Then he asked me to the ball. But i was already going with someone else.

"I'm really sorry Dylan but, someone already asked me and i'm going with them."

"Oh yea.. no big deal." He said as we awkwardly walked to the great hall. 

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now