Chapter Twenty

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Weeks had gone by and I recovered pretty quick. As the winter left and spring started to creep up on us, the leaves were growing on the trees again. There was a slight dew on the grass, and a breeze in the air. It was almost April meaning the twins' birthday was soon. We had to have a huge party to celebrate but i wasn't quite sure where or when yet.

"Soooo i was thinkingggg." Fred said creeping up and hugging me from behind. "What if we went to the burrow for my birthday weekend? I talked to the headmaster and he said that it was fine considering it was only the weekend. But we would have to leave Friday night and come back Sunday night." He continued.

"Oh... yea that would be fun. We as in? You and George?" I was confused on why he said we.

"No, i meant like you come with us. Ginny and Ron will stay here and it will just be me and George unless you want them to come with."

"Fred!! That would be lovely! Have you already asked your parents? Cause if so ill send an owl to my parents and ask them if i can go even tho im sure they wont mind." I had briefly talked about fred in my letters before, knowing my parents would assume things and embarrass me one of these days.

"Well i sent an owl to my mum so now i just have to wait to hear back from her. Im sure she will say yes! She will love you!"

Love me? In the dream she HATED me. No! I needed to stop thinking about the dream. It happened a while ago and i had no control over it. My fear with water had gotten better but i still didnt want to go swimming. I heard there was a pond at the burrow but if we go i wont even touch it. "Ok! Hopefully we get a reply by breakfast tomorrow!" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and headed off for class. Potions with snape and the slytherins.

I couldnt pay attention in class up until he said something about partners. I wanted to partner with Luna but of course we couldnt choose. This time he was choosing. And i was partnered with....

"Elaina and....Paislee." Snape said in his cold, heartless, monotone voice. His voice sent shivers down my spine. Sounded as one from a horror movie. It sounded like something bad was about to happen, but it was just a voice.

As Paislee walked over to me I went to the potions closet to get the supplies we needed. Snape said we were a few years too young to be learning about this but he insisted that we should.

Snape wrote on the chalkboard the ingredients and we had one hour to make Amortentia. Make it correct, you get 50 house points. Make it wrong, 50 house points were taken. The love potion. Once you smell it you instantly smell who you are attracted to.

Me and Paislee finished ours with a few minutes to spare so Professor Snape came over to check it. He said it was perfect and 50 house points were awarded to each of us. He walked around awarding and taking house points from each student.Until he walked back over to me and Paislee.

"Elaina, since you finished it first, how about you tell us what you smell." Snape said while paislee looked upset that she had to be second. I looked around and all eyes were on me. I couldn't just stand there any longer so i put my nose up to it and smelled the liquid. I knew exactly who i smelled.

"Gunpowder and fire sir." I said while shuffling my feet a few steps back to let paislee smell. It was Freds smell.

"Green Apples and strong cologne." She said while her and draco exchanged glances. We were up to the last slytherin that I have never noticed before. He said his name was Mattheo but I still didnt know him.

"Rose Petals with a hint of vanilla." It took me a second to realize who it was until he looked over to me and smiled. I thought about it for a second. And that was my scent. 

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now