Chapter Three

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     I was being slightly shaken awake by someone unfamiliar. I sat up in my bed and was confused on where I was at first, but then realized I was at Hogwarts and not Beauxbaton. I looked over to the girl that was trying to wake me up. She had long, straight black hair. And bangs that went just a little past her eyebrows.

     "Hey, Luna sent me over to wake you up, breakfast is about to start. Wait, your Elaina right? Cause I'm Cho."

     "Oh ok and yea. Well, hi Cho, and thanks for getting me up." I then got up and brushed my teeth and my hair and got dressed. I looked into the mirror and looked half decent so then I decided to follow Cho to breakfast.

     At breakfast I had sat next to Luna and Cho and had listened to their conversations. About halfway through breakfast, another girl had come over to where we were sitting and sat next to me, sitting across the table from Luna and Cho.

     "Hey Padma!" Luna and Cho had said in unison. I kept my head low not saying a word, not wanting to be annoying.

     "Hey! Is this the new girl everybody is talking about?" I had heard Padma say after a few minutes. I had no clue "everybody" was talking about me but I wasn't surprised. I just hoped they weren't saying anything bad.

     "What are they saying?" I had said quietly, but loud enough for the three girls to hear.

     "Oh! Nothing bad, just how you're the new girl."

     "Oh.. ok!" I didn't say anything for the rest of breakfast. When breakfast was over Luna had said that Padma had the same classes as me, as we were in the same year, and that we would all four meet up in the library after classes had ended that day.

     Me and Padma had Herbology with the Gryffindors for our first class. It was boring but Padma was telling me about this boy named Neville that Luna had fancied that was also in the class. She was saying how Luna just needed to pack up the courage to talk to him, but she had always refused. The rest of the day went by pretty slow, especially potions. Potions was by far the worst class, not because it was boring, but because professor Snape seemed to hate me, or maybe he was like that to all the students. My favorite classes were Charms and Transfiguration.

     Padma had walked with me to the Library where we had met up with Luna, but Cho wasn't there because she was busy. Me and the other girls had talked for a while until Professor McGonagall showed up and looked like she was looking for something, or someone. She then met her eyes with mine and ran over to me.

     "Elaina, oh there you are." She had said while breathing very heavily. "Professor Dumbledore sent me to deliver this to you as soon as possible. He said it was important so I came as fast I could." She had stopped talking to catch her breath, and handed me a letter. It was from my parents, but I had no idea what could be so important I needed it now.

     "Well, are you gonna open it??" Padma had said as McGonagall turned around to leave.

     "Yea. I just don't know what is so important I NEED to open it now." I said while I opened up the letter. I started reading what it said while Luna and Padma stared at me waiting for me to say something. I had gotten about halfway through the letter when I stopped reading and stood there in shock. I couldn't finish reading. I just stood there in the middle of the library, holding back tears. It felt like I couldn't move, couldn't breath, like I couldn't do anything. I had just found out my grandfather had passed away just this morning.

     As I continued to read the letter, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I had given up. I stood there and cried while looking down. Luna and Padma had come over to me and hugged me. They were confused but I couldn't find the right words to say. I was always very close with my grandfather but he was gone, and i didnt even get to say goodbye.

     "He's gone." I had managed to say after standing there and crying for a few minutes. "I'm gonna go to the common room and process things." And with that I left both girls and ran out of the library as fast as I could. I heard both girls running after me but I didn't stop running. It was hard to see where I was going while crying because the tears filled my eyes but I managed. I wasn't sure where I was going but I had to be alone. The girls were still trying to catch up to me but were probably 20 feet behind. I had looked up for a second and in that second I had run into 2 people. I couldn't see who they were because I didn't stop running. But then I heard them, and realized who I had run into.


Freds POV:

     George and I had just finished setting up another prank when we were walking down to the library to find Hermione, Ron, and Harry. We were looking for them so that we could drag them out to the common room and prank them. It was all planned out and ready to go, we would lure them into the common room and set off fireworks in the middle of their study session. Hermione would be mad but it was fun and that's all we really cared about. We just needed them and then everything would work out perfectly. Up until I had seen someone running and two girls running after her. I didn't realize who it was until she ran straight into me and George. She had pushed past us and kept on running.

     Cho and Luna were the other girls that were chasing her, but they had stopped to catch their breath and we went up to them to see what had happened.

     "What happened to her?" George and I had said in unison, like most things we said, unless we finish each other's sentences.

     "Well, we aren't really sure, all we know is that she got a letter and there was something important written in it. Then she said 'He's gone', whatever that means. And then she ran off, and ran into y'all and, well, here we are now." Luna had answered.

     "Weird, maybe it was a letter from home and something happened to someone. We should go see if she is okay. Or you two can." The two girls shrugged and started walking. George and I followed them to see if she was okay. We barely knew her but she was our friend. After about five minutes of walking we saw her run, turn a corner, and she was gone.


Elaina's POV:

     I turned a corner and ran into the girls bathroom. I was sure that dinner would be soon but I didn't care, I wasn't hungry, and did not want the rest of the school to see me like this. I locked myself in the biggest stall, and saw against the wall and let it all out. I cried until there were no more tears left. I had felt like there was a hole in my chest. A little while later I heard footsteps and stood up, and fixed myself a little.

     "Hey can we come in?" I had heard two familiar voices say. 


ok so sorry it was kinda boring but i mean idk bahaha i had no ideas and my friend said add a death so umm here we are- thoughts? and i think i finally have a good plot hehe but im debating on two major things so ill be thinking of those and so yea! ok!! 

oh yea and did yall like the the different pov? cause if not i wont do it again but yea thats all okiii byee

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now