Chapter Five

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    A few weeks had gone by and I was getting better but he was still gone. Padma, Cho and Luna had been there for me and I also met Ginny, which was one of their other friends. I didnt spend much time with Ginny though because i didnt know if she would be around Fred, and I didnt want to be near him at all. No, I wasnt mad at him, but I also dont want him thinking he can be all in my business all the time. So i just decided that not being around him is best for me. Id always pass him in the halls and he would always try to talk to me but i ignored him. As i made my way to positions with Snape, Ginny came up to me and gave me a note. She then quickly rushed off because she had to get to her class. I was confused. All she said was "You might want to open this" and then ran off.

     There was still a few minutes till class started so i stopped in the hall and opened the letter. I didnt know what could have been in this one because last time i had mail, it wasnt good.

Dear Elaina,

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower after classes end. And hurry.


     I had no clue who this could be and it was a little weird but whats the worst that could happen. The day went by slow, but it was finally over. Well, classes were over. This meaning I had to hurry and go up to the Astronomy Tower. Students werent allowed to be up their but I wanted to know who needed me and why they needed me. After walking up too many steps to count, I was at the top. It was just like the first time i had seen it, except not dark out. I remember I was with the twins on my first day, we werent allowed to be up here then either but we didnt care.

   I went over by the railing even tho it scared me, and i looked up into the sky. I would look down but i was too scared. I didnt see anybody up there so i was about to leave.

   "Hey...." I heard a voice call out behind me. They spoke softly, like they did something wrong. I hadnt realized who it was at first, but then it came to me. A voice I hadnt heard in so long, yet time went by so fast. I didnt expect anyone to be coming so I jumped out of fear and held onto the railing. I thought I would fall. I turned around and saw them. It was him. I should have seen it coming. None other than Fred Weasley was right in front of me. I couldnt help but notice how much his hair had grown since the last time i actually took a second to look at him. I have been avoiding him for almost two months.

     "Hey.." I said while quickly looking away from him. I wasnt trying to get him to notice me noticing everything that changed about his appearance. It wasnt much, but i still noticed the little things.

     "Sorry I-" we both said at the same time making us both stop and look at each other waiting for the other to speak. After a few seconds, I spoke up because he hadn't.

     "Sorry I was avoiding you I just-"

    "It's okay I should have not done what I did." He cut me off before I could finish.

     " Its fine just dont do it again please... i was dealing with stuff and the last thing i needed was for something to try and listen into my personal life."

     "Ok, i wont do it again.. Sorry...."

     "We should probably go back before it gets dark. And I have to study."

     "Oh yea ok lets go." He held out his hand signaling for me to take it, and so I did. We walked down the stairs and through the hallways until George popped out. Once again I wasnt expecting it so I jumped and squeezed Freds hand. I realised what I had just done, let go of his hand, and looked at the ground.

     "What are you lot doing?" George questioned. I quickly realized what he saw and how he didnt know what was going on so it might have looked like something it wasnt.

     "Ihavetogo" I said so quick my words sounded as one. I started walking so fast and didnt look back. I was so embarrassed and the fact i was blushing the whole time didnt help. But why was I blushing? I dont like Fred, or George. I had no clue but i tried not to think about it. Instead I decided to focus on tonight. Tonight Beauxtons and Dermstrang were coming to Hogwarts.

A/N: ummmm yea thats probably my favorite chapter so far :) the way she squeezed freds hand tho- umm anyways not jealous hehe and george ruined things- poor george he is always a third wheel lol lowkey underrated but its fineeeee and ummm yea so there is the chapter :) i lowkey am in love with it but imma go listen to artic monkeys hehe

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora