Chapter Fourteen

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   A few weeks went by and Fred has distanced himself a bit and i had been hanging out with George a little more. I mean me and Fred still hung out but he was awkward. I think its because of what George said but i wasnt sure. The break was over and had been for a few weeks. Classes were coming to an end that day and i was going to go look for Fred because i felt like we needed to talk things out. I ran into George and he told me that Fred went to the library to look for a book to try and figure out the second task. I finally got to the library and looked around for Fred. Once i saw him i ran over to him. He turned around and saw me and we started talking at the same time.

"Elaina i have something to tell you something," He said with a ton of excitement in his voice.

"Fred I know what George said and you have been distant but its fine cause i really like you too and i was gonna tell you but i didn't think you felt the same so here i am not finally telling you that i really like you." I stood there in just as much shock that he was in because i didnt think id actually have the courage to say all that. He kind of just stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Actually i was gonna say that i figured out the second task... but wow." Great i had just poured out everything and he wasnt planning on saying how he felt. Look whos the idiot now.

"Oh... umm then maybe i should go... sorry to make things more awkward." As i turned around to leave he grabbed my hand.

"No dont leave. I have been meaning to tell you this for some time also but i really like you too and well George kinda ruined the whole thing but i was gonna see if you wanted to go on a picnic tomorrow to tell you. I was going to the night of the ball but you kinda fell asleep and i didnt wanna wake you so then i decided a picnic." I just stood there thinking about everything that had just happened. Everything that was just said. "Well now im just rambling so i guess what im trying to say is..."

"If this is your way of asking me out then yes, ill go out with you." I kissed him on the cheek and then left the library to go pick out an outfit for tomorrow. I then remembered that we didnt even get to discuss the second task. It could wait.

When i got back to my dorm i searched through my clothes making a huge mess and finally found what i was gonna wear. I decided on a black crop top and a tighter fitted skirt. . Id ask him when to meet up and where tomorrow at breakfast. It was finally happening. ME and Fred were going out. 

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now