Chapter Two

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      Dumbledore started saying his beginning of the year speech and was talking about something called the Triwizards tournament. There were three schools that would be competing, but the one thing that caught my attention was that Beauxbatons would be involved. And at this, a few girls I had recognized from Beauxbatons came through the doors of the great hall and danced for a few minutes and then sat down at my table. I couldn't help but notice all the boys staring at them. It was weird but they were boys, what else did I expect. After the other school had walked in and Dumbledore finished his speech, I looked at the table that was once empty, and now had plates of every food imaginable. Everybody started eating whatever they felt like so i had grabbed some food and ate as well. The blonde haired girl that I had sat next to was finished eating and brought out something and started reading.

     "What are you reading?" I asked out of interest. 

     "Why the Quibbler of course. I'm Luna.. and you are?" She said, but I have no clue what that means or what it was.     

     "Oh umm... ok. Well I'm Elaina, and I'm new so I have no clue what to do or where to go, so could you help me with that stuff?" I hate not knowing anything or anybody but I had to get used to it.

      "Yeah! Of course! Well right now we are in the great hall and each house has common rooms and dorms, but there is a Ravenclaw tower. To get into your common room you have to have a certain password but for us we have to answer a riddle....." She went on and told me everything i needed to know and she said that she would show me where each class was when we went to them unless Dumbledore had someone else show me around.

     A few moments later people got up and started leaving but I stayed back with Luna until I noticed Dumbledore come over to my table with the twins. I had just realized that the twins left the great hall but came back, and I have no clue how long they were gone. Dumbledore told them something that I couldn't understand because he was whispering, but then he looked at me and spoke up. 

     "George and Fred will walk you around the castle and show you where everything is. But this is a one time thing. No students are to be walking the halls at night ever again." I didn't expect them to show me around. I thought Luna would but this was fine.

     They showed me where the classes were and told me who taught what class. They had told me that the astronomy tower was off limits but they didn't care. I didn't wanna get caught but we went up and it was incredible. It is really high up which I didn't like because I am scared of heights, but I didn't go near the railing. 

     "Okay let's go!" the twins said at the same time.

      "Okay!!" I was glad to get out of there. By then we had seen it all, or at least everything we could see in one night, and it was getting late. "I- where is the Ravenclaw tower?"

     "That's where we are going now!" George had said with a smirk on his face. I looked over at Fred and he had the same smirk on his face but I didn't think anything of it. We had been walking for what felt like forever when we turned down a hall and the twins let out quiet laughs. I didn't know what was going on so I started looking around to see if there was something I wasn't seeing or if I had walked past where we were going. Suddenly I heard tons of loud popping noises, and I wasn't expecting it so I got scared and jumped. The twins just burst out laughing as I stood there confused and shocked. "What was that?!"

     "That right there is the FIRST time being pranked by us."  I didn't know if I should laugh or not so I just stood there and did nothing.

      "Well very funny but it scared me so please don't do it again." I wasn't mad but I didn't expect it and I just wanted to get to my bed and sleep.

     "Here we ar- oh no" Fred said right outside the Ravenclaw tower.

     "What now?!" I didn't know if I was about to get pranked again.

     "Well in order to get into your common room you have to have a password to get in. But each house has a different password. Well in your case, a riddle has to be answered correctly. And well, we don't know yours, unless you do, then we are good."

     "Oh, well I think I remember Luna mentioning something about it so I can try. But thanks for showing me around." And at that the twins had walked off. Luckily, I remembered what Luna told me about a riddle. As I was trying to figure out who was going to ask the riddle, I heard something speaking.

     "Which came first, the phoenix or the flame" I had looked down and saw that the eagle knocker was talking and was who asked me the riddle.

     I looked around to make sure nobody was near and whispered "A circle has no begining." The door then swung open to show the beautiful Ravenclaw common room. It was much bigger then I had imagined it to be. There were great big windows with royal blue silk colored curtains. The room was high up and had a dome shape to it. Seeing that it was late, I went to go up to my dorm but didnt know where I was going. I then found Luna who had been waiting for me and she showed me up the stairs to our dorm. Everything I needed was already there so I changed and got into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. What a day. 


I might have just realized that i could have put chapter one and two together but its too late so yea and ummm i think my bsf just met mark williams aka the actor for arthur weasley so thats great- but yea tell me if you liked it- and just idk but i wanna see what yall thought and i might not always post back to back its just i already had the chapters done so yea imma try every other day

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now