Chapter Eleven

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TW: Body shaming/skinny shaming

  As the weeks passed nothing excited happened. More people were asked to the ball, and a few others asked me but i had to tell them i was already going with Fred. One morning when i was walking to the great hall i spotted Draco with Pansy, while Paislee was still mad at him. I went over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down at the end for breakfast. I was putting food onto my plate and was about to eat when i heard footsteps getting louder the closer they came. I wasnt bothered by it, so i didnt think to check who it was. There seemed to be two people and they came up to where i was eating, and stood right next to me.

I figured it was just Fred and George so i started to eat and then i looked up to see if it was who i thought. But it wasnt who i thought it was. It was Pansy and Draco. Pansy looked at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"Oh so you do eat? Ugh, doesnt look like it." She rolled her eyes and walked away. "Come on Draco."

Why did she have to say that to me? I did nothing to her or Draco. She just felt the need she HAD to bother me. I forced the rest of my food down and just sat there. I got up and went to class early. It was already a bad day and it wasnt going to get any better, i just knew it. I got to class early and sat there for about 30 minutes until people started arriving. And of course, we had class with the Slytherins today. Meaning Pansy. I avoided her for the rest of the day and she didnt come near me. After classes that day I went back to my dorm to study for exams we would have before winter break.

The next few days went by normal until it was finally Christmas. I woke up and saw at the end of my bed there was a few gifts. From my parents, i got jewelry for the ball. I got a few other things from Luna, Ginny, cho, and Padma. But there was one gift that was left and i had no idea who it was from. I ripped it open and saw a blue sweater with an E knitted on it. I had no clue who it was from but i put it on and walked out of the common room to go see what Fred got. I saw Fred walk out of the Gryffindor common room as well as George and Ron. They were all wearing a sweater like mine, just different colors and initials.

"Oh, she has one also?" George asked.

"Ohhh does that mean you told mum about her?" I heard Ron ask.

"Wait who made them?" I asked having no clue why we all had the same gift.

"Mum makes them every year but you dont have to wear it. Its kinda stupid but George makes me wear mine." Fred said looking embarrassed.

"No! Its lovely! I love it. Tell her i said thanks when you can.. Please."

After that we all walked to breakfast. The rest of the day was pretty normal and it was finally time to start getting ready for the ball. Me and Hermione were never close but she insisted to do my makeup. I put on my light blue dress and jewelry and Hermione came into the bathroom right as i was done changing I sat down and she started doing my makeup. After about thirty minutes, it was finally done. My eyeliner was done perfectly, as well as my eyeshadow. I slipped on my heels and walked out of her dorm.

Fred and I were going to be some of the first to dance because he was in the tournament. I was about to walk down the stairs when my eyes landed on Pansy. I just decided to ignore her snotty looks and walk down the stairs. After we danced, everybody else started to dance with us.

"Ugh look, the twig cant eat or dance." I had heard a familiar voice come over to me and say. I tried to ignore her but she didnt stop. Her words kept repeating themselves in my head and i had enough. My night was perfect until she ruined it.

I ran out and left Fred there alone. I had to get as far away from her as i could. I ran outside and after running for a few minutes i figured that i should probably stop running. I sat down and started to cry. But it wasnt because of what she was saying, its cause it was true. I dont eat enough, I am a twig, she was right and everybody knew it...


I felt the need to bring awareness to this topic and idk why but DO NOT GO AROUND BODY SHAMING OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE EVERYBODY IS BEAUTIFUL IN THEIR OWN WAY 

you are beautiful even if you choose to not believe it. And im soo sorry if you are being body shamed because thats not fair for you. but ily and it will get better i promise 

oh yea and imma post her outfit in the next chapter but its 11 and i have school so ill post it tomorrow kk byeee and it will get better i promise. i just felt the need to bring this up 

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon