Chapter Seventeen

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 They had been under for over and hour and any minute now the gillyweed would wear off. Nobody knew why they hadnt come up yet. I put my hands into my pocket and felt something. A bag. I had more gillyweed left! I was too nervous to go into the water so i went over to george.


"Neville now isnt the time. Fred and Elaina are-" He stopped talking when i showed him the rest of the gillyweed. He snatched it out of my hands and ate it. Within seconds it started to work and he quickly dove into the water.


They could have been dead for all i know but i had to keep looking. After some time i finally found them and Fred was barely alive while Elaina... well.. I didnt know if she was alive. I gave Fred my wand and he grabbed onto Elaina.

"Acendio" He had said with the last little bit of breath he had and they shot up to the top of the water. Where someone would help them out. I swam to the top as fast as i could and got out as well. It was freezing, but that was the least of my concerns at the moment. I looked over and Fred was coughing up water while Elaina was just laying there.


"Elaina???" I said after coughing up tons of water. Her lips were blue, almost purple and her skin had faded in color. Nobody around was doing anything so I yelled for help but nothing. They were focused on getting George out. Since nobody seemed to care I thought about the hospital wing. Someone using the last bit of energy I had while still holding her in my arms, we apperated to madam pomfrey. I told her what happened and she told me to quickly go lay her down onto one of the beds. I did as she said and she came and did something to Elaina. She was breathing, but barely. After what seemed like hours, with nothing working and visiting hours over i got up and went to leave.

"F-. Fred..." I heard her mumble something but i couldnt make out what it was. I turned around and ran to her.

"Elaina??" No answer. Until she mumbled again and rolled over. She wasnt dead! There was people crowded around the door that have been there for hours. Every time someone tried to get in, i made them leave. She started to slightly open her eyes and i knew she was gonna be ok. Once she woke up completely she looked at me with a puzzled expression. "George?"


I woke up confused about where I was until I noticed I was laying in the hospital wing. I looked over and saw Fred and decided to scare him. It was probably a bad idea but oh well. I gave him a confused look. "George? Why are you here?" Once I said that I felt so bad and i could see his face drop.

"What? I-Im not-" He looked so sad and confused on why i called him George. "Do you not remember me?" I felt bad so I decided to give in and tell him i was messing with him.

"No your George- cause i know your not ron and there is no other Weasley brother- okok ill stop. Sorry." I exclaimed and his face lit up.

"Never again!" He said while going to hug me. I went to sit up but he wouldn't let me and said I needed my rest. I insisted that id be fine but he wouldnt let me.

"Oh good! Shes up!" I heard madam pomfrey say while coming over to us.

"I guess this means I gotta go cause visiting hours and all..." He stood from the chair he was sitting in and proceeded to walk towards the door until the nurse went over to him. He looked at me and smiled and walked back. "She said I couldch stay." While saying that he looked a bot too happy.

"What else are you not telling me..." I knew that look and he was hiding something. But it wasnt something bad.

"Well she said that since "we were together" it was acceptable." He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh.. but we arent- you know-" I wasnt confused on why he stayed but i was confused ON MY HE HASN'T ASKED ME YET.

"Well.... Ive been meaning to ask you but i didnt know if youd say yes so i havent and now i'm rambling but will you-" I cut him off knowing what he was about to say.

"YES!" I seemed a little too excited but i wasnt exactly expected to be calm. I shot up from my bed and tightly hugged him getting light headed. I put my hand on my forehead due to the dizziness and sudden headache.

"Wait what happened? Are you ok?! Do you need me to get madam pomfrey?" He wouldnt stop asking questions on if I was ok and such.

"Yea im ok just got up too fast" I laid back down and scooted over. I patted on the empty space i had moved from and looked up at Fred. He came and laid down in the small bed and i rested my head on his shoulder and we interlaced fingers. Then next thing i knew.. I woke up the next morning.

Elaina Rose-Fred WeasleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora