After we finished, we went to a ballroom. Elven leaders were waiting and happily greeted the royals. I didn't want to awkwardly be lost with what they were saying, so I did a spell so I could understand them. The spell also allowed me to speak their language back to them.

"Did you really have to enjoy yourself so much at dinner?" I heard Freja speak to Yulia. She was speaking in her native language, so they assumed I wouldn't understand them.

"Please, I didn't tell mother anything. Acacia practically gave it away when she couldn't properly answer why an outsider was brought to our realm. And then the whole fiasco with Jethro." Yulia chuckled.

"She commanded that Acacia seal the marriage bond with him tonight and Acacia agreed!"

My breath hitched at Freja's words. They turned to me and with wide eyes. They were now fully aware that I had followed along to their conversation. Freja tried to say something, but I quickly left them.

Finn and Kai approached me to say something, but I backed away from them. They were confused why I was avoiding them. I turned and ran into Acacia.

"Pupu, what's wrong?" Acacia held my arms to steady me. "You seem frantic." She was worried.

"You're gonna have sex with Jethro." I quietly said, so others wouldn't hear.

"Zena." Her shoulders fell. "It's-"

A guy with midnight black hair strolled up to us. He placed an arm around Acacia's back. His chocoalte eyes crinkled in happiness at being close to Acacia. Acacia took a deep breath and then offered him a fake smile. I immediately knew this was Jethro. I couldn't stomach the sight of her being with her soon to be husband. I quickly turned and left the event.


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Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to leave the palace in a huff since I had no idea where I was going. I was just aimlessly walking through the forest. I was hoping that I would run into a citizen and kindly ask them the directions to the barrier. I entered the town and was about to ask someone for help, but someone pulled my arm in the opposite direction.

I turned and saw Eris leading me away. She quietly took me to the outskirts of the town. When there was no one in sight, she dropped my arm.

"What do you want?" I groaned at her.

"To save you from the embarrassment of asking someone to help you escape your rejection." She smugly replied. I narrowed my eyes and brushed past her. "Fine! I would rather take you to the barrier than for you to get others involved. Acacia would go apeshit when she found the citizen who helped you."

"I'd be stupid to trust you." I continued walking.

"Don't blame me for Acacia's decision to fuck Jethro for the sake of our kingdom." I stopped and turned to her. "If they don't marry then Jethro's family will start a revolt and convince the Grey and High elves to have doubts about the royal family. There's also a high possibility their poisonous words could brainwash people into supporting the dark queen. The dark elves are definitely siding with her and the fire elves are on the fence. If the High and Grey elves support Adira, then almost all the elves will support her. We need to be on the light Queen's side if we want almost every elf to support her." She took a deep breath. "So if Acacia has to suck Jethro's dick for that to happen, then so be it."

"You're a bitch." I backed away.

"Am I really a bitch since I'm not sugarcoating the truth?" She stated. "My siblings skirted around the issue while I'm telling you all the facts. When you guys first kissed, the 3 kiss ritual was broken between Acacia and Jethro. Both parties could feel it. Jethro was livid and ordered a meeting with my parents. They were pissed at Acacia because she was jeopardizing everyone's safety."


"Did Acacia ever regard you with hostility or rudeness?" I nodded at Eris. "That's because she felt the bond break and knew the ramifications. She was too much of a coward to tell you the truth. She knew the moment she came home, mother would grill her and she'd be punished. Mother's punishment is to get the marriage over with and have Acacia sleep with Jethro tonight since mother knows Acacia doesn't want to marry him."

"This is crazy." I ran a hand through my hair. "I knew I shouldn't have messed with her when she was engaged."

"It was always gonna happen." Eris gave me a sympathetic look. "She was always gonna have to choose between her love for you and the safety of her people. She's the heiress and future Queen. What would you prefer her to choose?"

"Her people obviously." I sighed. "It just hurts more because I fell for her harder than I have for anyone else." I sniffled.

"I understand." Eris brought me into a hug. "I can take you back if you'd like." I nodded. "But I must warn you that it's a dangerous journey." I nodded again since I really wanted to get out of here. "Okay... we'll have to use the portal in the dark elves' region.

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